speeding fine

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The 'spike from the centre of the steering wheel' is an analogy I know of very well.

Many drivers have become so protected and sanitized to the dangers of driving these days that no, or little, consideration is given to other road users or conditions/circumstances.

The 'spike' is a very good example of the conditions and circumstances I keep referring to; while others bang-on about speed, and speed alone, as our salvation...
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Well if you want to make driving safer than the cars should be designed with in-built danger features , eg no safety belts & an in built spike sticking out of the centre of the steering wheel , that would keep your attention every one except those with a death wish would be travelling at walking pace

Rather unfair , if your driving in the summer time and a wasp happens to fly through the open drivers window and crawl down the back of your T shirt. ;) ;) ;) ;)

PS " Been there, done that, got the T shirt."
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

FWIW,,,,, Speed doesn't kill. I have travelled at mach2 and am still alive to post on here. (luckily the pilot seemed to know what/where he was going) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Yes, I too remember driving without seat belts, airbags, abs and all the other safety features that lots of cars have now and guess what, the NSL was 70MPH back then and I felt safer on the roads then and without "safety" cameras too.
Yes, I too remember driving without seat belts, airbags, abs and all the other safety features that lots of cars have now and guess what, the NSL was 70MPH back then and I felt safer on the roads then and without "safety" cameras too.
Yes I felt that too but to be fair, there's far too many cars today changing their driving habit
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How does a speed camera help address all these points? Ans: It doesn't.
No it doesn't but must have some control of calming the speed limits(?)

However, I much prefer the average speed cameras instead with is working well in my area with good driving behaviour and the accident rate has fallen by 60% so far

As you says the other bad driving habits apart from speeding is the problem
Speed cameras help to slow the boy racers down. How can that be a bad thing?
I don't have a problem with cameras, it's the bad and careless driving problem which is hard to deal with unless we have more traffic police etc
I have problems with the whole 'speed kills' thing.....well der yeh obviously speed was a contributing factor otherwise nobody would be moving and there would be no accident therefore speed is a factor in almost every accident.
Also you may be involved in an accident at 30 mph which if you had been travelling at 35 mph would never have happened because you would have been long gone!
I hate being ripped off by stupid statistics.
Also you may be involved in an accident at 30 mph which if you had been travelling at 35 mph would never have happened because you would have been long gone!

Either that or doing 35 you're involved in an accident which you would have missed had you been going slower ;).

Infact by doing 30 you've missed this thread by the best part of 10 months!
I have problems ...I hate being ripped off by stupid statistics.
You are replying to a post that dates from August 14 . 2010 - how`s that for a statistic :mrgreen:
True, but it's an on-going ‘statistic’ which is very relevant today.

It’s not like ollski is trying to argue in favour of slavery or against emancipation - is he?

I didn't know a topic, or thread, had an expiry or 'best before' date.... :rolleyes:

(Best reply before 09/06/11)

(Or if in America 06/09/11)
I flicked through, and it all politics, it this and that...

Someone broke the law by speeding.

My brother was killed by someone breaking the law. By driving. It effed up my GCSE results, and my life.

A vehicle is a lethal weapon. By having a license, doesn't mean you are allowed to use it, as you drive on the Queens Highway, with her privelidge, break those rules, should be banged up forever.

Speed consistantly.....see the pictures of my dead brother for ever. I've got to live with that, the driver hasn't. I'll never get my brother back, you carry on, driving like an idiot. Well done.
My brother was killed by someone breaking the law.

Killed? I thought u said he was a Tetraplegic?

Isn't Google fantastic?

My brother is tetraplegic, in a wheelchair, because of an irresponsible driver, such as you, that decided to break the rules of the road.


Or this brother? :confused:

I don't know what a veiw is? But I have been to court that maybe my brother was murdered or not, so I do know a victim. And the inquest recorded an open verdict, so maybe he was murdered? Have you any evidence to close the enquiry? So I'm pretty close to the victim. So think before you post.

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