
10 years to sort it out and here we are.

tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime. :rolleyes:

so who voted labour?

whose going to vote for them again??
lol at the above post from 2007.
I was looking to see if there was already a thread running to post about the release by mistake of some prisoners and I came across that post. And people blame 14 years of Tory rule for the state of the prisons!
Post #27 makes me laugh too. No change there…
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lol at the above post from 2007.
I was looking to see if there was already a thread running to post about the release by mistake of some prisoners and I came across that post. And people blame 14 years of Tory rule for the state of the prisons!
Post #27 makes me laugh too. No change there!

People have short memories.
lol at the above post from 2007.
I was looking to see if there was already a thread running to post about the release by mistake of some prisoners and I came across that post. And people blame 14 years of Tory rule for the state of the prisons!
Post #27 makes me laugh too. No change there!
You really are a fool.

The prison estate was not in a state of utter collapse in 2007
The criminal justice system had not been cut by 40% in 2007
The probation service had not been privatised in 2007

People blame 14 years of Tory rule because the prisons were in a state of imminent collapse whilst they were in power.

I don’t know what is wrong with Mottie, he is twisting himself inside out to avoid blame for the last 14 years of Tory destruction of this country…..Mottie is making a fool of himself
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The prisons have always been full.
The prison population is ever growing.

Prisons will only ever be built for the demand.
OK the prisons were full in 2007, but they weren't overcrowded.
And sentences will always be passed on the availability of the resources to effect the punishment.

The thread is more about lighter sentences, and complaining about the justice system.
I'm guessing that the lower figures illustrated on the graph was partly due to two world wars between 1915'ish and 1945'ish. Whether that can be the result of more men in the armed forces, or less police available to deal with crime is for another discussion.

Then throughout the thread, there is the frequent illustration of extreme violence demonstrated by the typical poster back in 2007.
The frequent government bashing.
And the occasional "blame the immigrants".

Some things never change, eh?
Fact is the £20b NI cut could have paid for a number of prisons - more than needed.

As things stood the usual serve 50% of sentence for a number of prisoners was too long so had to be cut to 40%.

Plus some reoffend what ever prison sentence is given.
The first question you should ask yourself is what percentage of the population should be locked up.

The more people we lock up the more you have to question if the problems is the laws or the morals of the citizen.

There are people in jail who could be punished in other ways.
The first question you should ask yourself is what percentage of the population should be locked up.

The more people we lock up the more you have to question if the problems is the laws or the morals of the citizen.

There are people in jail who could be punished in other ways.
criminal justice is one of those things where the political messaging is at odds with the facts.
Generally the public like to hear tough sentencing, both Conservatives and Labour have pushed that over the years.

The more people we lock up the more you have to question if the problems is the laws or the morals of the citizen
But it’s also related to: poverty, inequality, lack of social mobility.

And perhaps the biggest elephant in the room: drugs
Far more people in prison in the USA and for longer under harsher regimes. When will people get that punishment happens after everything else has gone wrong. We all want retribution against people who have hurt us financially or physically but that is not a basis on which to run a country, unless you want the random dictatorship that goes with it which creates its own lawlessness and corruption.
criminal justice is one of those things where the political messaging is at odds with the facts.
Generally the public like to hear tough sentencing, both Conservatives and Labour have pushed that over the years.

But it’s also related to: poverty, inequality, lack of social mobility.

And perhaps the biggest elephant in the room: drugs
100%. Agree
Build more prisons.
Adequately staff them.
Sentence and lock people up for longer (for more serious crimes.)
And yes of course, for those who will be coming out, have adequately resourced rehabilitation services.

I will never subscribe to those committing serious crimes being locked up for lower periods of time. And even for so called low level crimes, if someone commits such a crime multiple times, they should also receive a longer sentence.

Of course the issue is multi-faceted, only a fool would think otherwise. However that doesn't in my opinion mean we should be going easier on those who commit the crimes.
The first question you should ask yourself is what percentage of the population should be locked up.

The more people we lock up the more you have to question if the problems is the laws or the morals of the citizen.

There are people in jail who could be punished in other ways.
I would agree, but it's not relevant to a political discussion about prison over crowding and how it was allowed to happen.
Build more prisons.
Adequately staff them.
Sentence and lock people up for longer (for more serious crimes.)
And yes of course, for those who will be coming out, have adequately resourced rehabilitation services.

I will never subscribe to those committing serious crimes being locked up for lower periods of time. And even for so called low level crimes, if someone commits such a crime multiple times, they should also receive a longer sentence.

Of course the issue is multi-faceted, only a fool would think otherwise. However that doesn't in my opinion mean we should be going easier on those who commit the crimes.
The problem with your approach is that detention in a prison is anathema or detrimental to rehabilitation.
But it’s also related to: poverty, inequality, lack of social mobility.
Another, It seems 20% of people in prison have been taken into care at some point.

When some one comes out of prison they may have no where to live. Their record can make it difficult to get any sort of job,

Fact is several aspects can lead to re offending.
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