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Privatise prisons and allow Judges and coppers to buy shares in them.
That would create a building boom in new prisons, all this caper of being soft on shop lifters will be a thing of the past, the police would actually have an incentive to arrest people and judges to send them to jail.
Privatise prisons
Catch up chap
Privatisation to address overcrowding results in poor standards. In the 1990s, the UK privatised prisons with the aim of tackling the prison overcrowding crisis. There are currently 14 privately owned prisons in the UK, holding roughly 15% of the prison population. -10 May 2024
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Privatise prisons and allow Judges and coppers to buy shares in them.
That would create a building boom in new prisons, all this caper of being soft on shop lifters will be a thing of the past, the police would actually have an incentive to arrest people and judges to send them to jail.
the prison system in America is privatised, it makes billions out of misery

America has one the largest prison populations in the world

all this caper of being soft on shop lifters will be a thing of the past, the police would actually have an incentive to arrest people and judges to send them to jail.
yeah shop lifting and other such crime is a result of 14 years of Tories transferring all the wealth from ordinary people to the wealthy
America has one the largest prison populations in the world
Thats because they're privatised, judges can't bang em up fast enough.
If they run short of prison spaces, they just build more jails.
In California years ago they had the 3 strikes and you are out policy.
This Black bloke was just out of jail, he was walking along a beach when he saw a kid with a hamburger, he grabbed the hamburger out of the kids hand and ate it.
A copper saw him and he was arrested, because it was his 3rd offence he was sent to prison for life.
These kids were getting 12 months inside for dropping litter Lol.

If they're releasing lots of serious criminals from prison, there will be a serious lack of diversity in prison. Especially if they're now filling them with right wing protesters.

Our 'leaders' haven't thought this through.
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