Rape gangs. Why does the Home Office minister not want a national public enquiry?

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I repeatedly deny nothing. Bad is bad, by whoever does it

Why do you think it's not as bad if it's not done by your "targets"

It isn't a lesser crime. It's exactly the same

Stop defending them !

Pakistani and Bangladeshi grooming gangs offend at roughly double the rate of white british looking at nosealls link. I defend nobody, just saying that some races offend at double the rate, as noseall confirmed.
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Where’s the list of ethnicities NOT prosecuted because of their ethnicity?
Eh? You, will find a vastly greater number of white offenders got away with child abuse than any other race.

Why don't YOU post up some numbers or facts?
Pakistani and Bangladeshi grooming gangs offend at roughly double the rate of white british looking at nosealls link. I defend nobody, just saying that some races offend at double the rate, as noseall confirmed.
Are they not equally as bad ?

I don't think any are any less bad than any other .

Why do you ? Just class them all the same

Stop making excuses
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Are they not equally as bad ?

I don't think any are any less bad than any other .

Why do you ? Just class them all the same

Stop making excuses

I'm neither making excuses or saying one group of offenders is less bad than the other. Just comparing numbers.
I'm neither making excuses or saying one group of offenders is less bad than the other. Just comparing numbers.
You're numbers aren't working

But you don't seem to be so concerned unless they fit into your category
I see the Tory supporters on still can’t explain why the Tory party did not act on the recommendations of the enquiry they commissioned.
I see the Tory supporters on still can’t explain why the Tory party did not act on the recommendations of the enquiry they commissioned.
I think you can work out by this thread, its go nothing to do with victims of child abuse or any genuine interest.

It's nothing more than the usual anti-Muslim rantings (lies and bullshít) of the RWR.
I got this from one of the victims X account. I learn most about what is going on from her and other victims.

Again from my earlier post -

Whenever the enemies within are involved, it seems there are endless liberals and wheelbarrows of cash waiting ready to defend them.
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