Reduce Voting age to 16

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What would be the minimum age to take part in that referendum?:unsure:

Good point

The Swiss seem to have referendums on pretty much every thing ??

Perhaps we should follow there model ????
Swerves again.

My point unless you’re too dim, is kids aren’t mature enough to vote at 16 regardless of their tax paying position.

Off you pop mate. You’ve never won an argument. And I’ve a nice wine to un cork.

Then end the vote past retirement age when old farts are too dim to know who they are voting for.
Proportional Representation is the work of the devil. It (usually) prevents a single party having a clear majority and causes fragile coalitions which can collapse on a whim, triggering further "horse-trading" or expensive elections (which can result in much of the same). Preferential representation is a much better idea, as it allows the re-distribution of votes for minor (low-polling) candidates until a single candidate has a majority vote. I would also like to see it made compulsory to vote with persistent refusals punished by disenfranchisement.
Minority rule is better?

PR with STV and voting being compulsory. Spread it out over a week, no excuses not to vote.
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