rent house out to dhss

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A landlord friend of mine rented a property to a bloke on benefits, the bloke came home one night drunk and tripped on a crack in the path to the house(or so he claimed) he then sued my friend for compensation.
Any one thinking of becoming a landlord should be aware that as owner of the rented property your tenant can sue you if they are injured on your property. because the landlord is responsible for the maintenance of the property if your tenant trips and falls downstairs due to a loose floorboard or whatever you can be held liable.

You just get landlords liability insurance
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Not the point though. If it's your house you don't want it ripped apart. Plus policies can be expensive and can refuse to cover certain things. Best just to get citizens in instead of dhss
Not the point though. If it's your house you don't want it ripped apart. Plus policies can be expensive and can refuse to cover certain things. Best just to get citizens in instead of dhss

Tell me how expensive?

My experience is before the protected deposit scheme, citizens were the worst by far.

DHSS officers do not like to cater for people who wreck things, and like I said before, have a way of dealing with them that an agent cannot.
Not the point though. If it's your house you don't want it ripped apart. Plus policies can be expensive and can refuse to cover certain things. Best just to get citizens in instead of dhss

Tell me how expensive?

My experience is before the protected deposit scheme, citizens were the worst by far.

DHSS officers do not like to cater for people who wreck things, and like I said before, have a way of dealing with them that an agent cannot.

Everyone in the UK, Uk born and bred is a UK Citizen. A Citizen is a subject of the Queen, so to differentiate between a Citizen, and a DHSS recipient, which in itelf is a misnomer, as there is no such service as the DHSS? So therefore is racist.

To make an outlandish statement that a certain type of person would trash a house is improper, what evidence is there?
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Sorry, was using my own definition of citizen...but my point stands. How is that racist? I have not mentioned race and would not.

I have rented places out and rented myself. One place I rented out to housing benefit renters was left unlocked and walls smeared with their own ****. I am entitled to my own opinion which most people seem to agree with. If you weren't such a reverse snob maybe you would too.
wreckedit";p="1741304 said:
My experience is before the protected deposit scheme, citizens were the worst by far.
I obviously meant privates. Did not see mistake in the early hours. Thank you for pointing out in your way.

Also, after negotiations with tenants we resolved the matter both to our satisfaction.

No slagging off, no remarks eluding to racism, no insults.

Problems resolved

I have as far as anything to do with letting is:-

Been there.

Done that.

Got the T shirt :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
I have not said a thing about jsa. Like most people I told the OP to reconsider renting out to housing benefit renter as as they don't in general look after the place. It was only when you claimed that people on benefits increase the coffers of the state that I felt I should point out your failing logic.

I think I've been pretty tame .
I did not say that they increase the states coffers merely that they paid back a small amount.
You need to change your attitude to people less fortunate than yourself because what goes around has a nasty habit of coming around, nobody is ringfenced against redundancy and it could happen to you. so just live and let live.
Had a look on google for DHSS and it only ran until 1988.

But after that it was still referred to as that, like


If you advertise for a DHSS, or unemployed person to do your garden,build a wall,let a house, clean up, etc., 99% of the time people on benefit turn up.
They do not mind being disciminated, as long as they get some cash.

Its a symbiotic relationship nowadays, that helps everybody concerned. :D
Had a look on google for DHSS and it only ran until 1988.

But after that it was still referred to as that, like


If you advertise for a DHSS, or unemployed person to do your garden,build a wall,let a house, clean up, etc., 99% of the time people on benefit turn up.
They do not mind being disciminated, as long as they get some cash.

Its a symbiotic relationship nowadays, that helps everybody concerned. :D
Certain words become associated with certain things thats how they enter the vocabulary and the word you are looking for is generic.
The words dole, social, DHSS etc was preceeded by the UAB (unemployed assistance board) that is going back more than 50 years.
You say that if you advertised for someone to do a job for you, 99% of the time someone on benefits will turn up, that proves to me one thing that people on benefits want work and are willing to work, despite what others on this group think, give a man a chance to work and he will.
There are several posters on here that are ever so quick to slag off the unemployed in the most vitriolic way, I wont mention names because they know who they are.
Not only do they slag off the unemployed but also their kids, kids who have got talent but have never had the chance of a job to prove their worth.The thing I would like to say to these vitriolic posters is this, in the event of some hostile power attacking this country who would repel the enemy? would it be the vitriolic posters? no, it would be the self same kids that have been accused of being "scum" the teenagers who have never had a job that would be used as cannon fodder.
How many of our young soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan that are currently being killed and maimed for life had no option but to join the forces to find some kind of employment because there was nothing for them in civvie street. Just think, all those kids born out of wedlock that you lot refer to as scum might at some time in the future be used to fight and die for your freedom.
...what has that got to do with anything???
We use toilet paper to clean the **** from our backsides..that has a purpose, should we have to respect toilet paper too? It is a very weak argument. Don't start that army crap again. It is centuries old and is just as insulting to the dreggs as anything anyone who you are attacking has said.

"Be nice to the dreggs because they'll be cannon fodder"

I don't have problem with unemployed people, and if you ever had the inclination to look up my past posts (I don't expect you will which is why I am telling you what you will see) you will see this or some variation "I completely support the safety net of the welfare state, my only problem is when people take advantage of it and use it as a career choice".

I think that is fair to say, and the only people that would argue against me on that I would imagine would be benefit scroungers.

Now, if you want to read back through the thread I can see more people warning the OP off of renting to Dhss then supporting his decision, so I can safely assume there are more people that agree with my opinion, that it is a bad idea to rent to dhss, than disagree...
...what has that got to do with anything???
We use toilet paper to clean the **** from our backsides..that has a purpose, should we have to respect toilet paper too? It is a very weak argument. Don't start that army crap again. It is centuries old and is just as insulting to the dreggs as anything anyone who you are attacking has said.

"Be nice to the dreggs because they'll be cannon fodder"

I don't have problem with unemployed people, and if you ever had the inclination to look up my past posts (I don't expect you will which is why I am telling you what you will see) you will see this or some variation "I completely support the safety net of the welfare state, my only problem is when people take advantage of it and use it as a career choice".

I think that is fair to say, and the only people that would argue against me on that I would imagine would be benefit scroungers.

Now, if you want to read back through the thread I can see more people warning the OP off of renting to Dhss then supporting his decision, so I can safely assume there are more people that agree with my opinion, that it is a bad idea to rent to dhss, than disagree...
As far as I am concerned you are nothing but a cyber bully of the worst kind, why don't you write to your local paper slagging off benefit claimants and add your full name and address.
You jumped in on this thread not with advice to the original poster but just to jump on your favourite bandwagon slagging people off.
Ah, Malcolm you're one of those are you. You're a straw man guy. You try to pretend the person you're arguing with is saying something he isn't. That way you feel you can win the argument.

I say, I like the concept of the wellfare system as a safety net for those down on their luck but don't like people who take advantage of it...and then YOU say..

'All you're doing is slagging off benefit claimants'...blah blah blah.

It just highlights that you don't think you could win in any debate which involved my ACTUAL argument, so you make up one. Very pathetic really mate, if you can't argue with someones views, don't, but don't try and change them to something else so you can argue against them.

My first post on this thread was
"Don't do it. Your poor neighbours will never forgive you and you house will be wrecked.

Get a professional couple in or something and charge slightly less rent."

This was based on my own experience which is the only thing we all can really speak from.

As for sending a complaint with my details to the local paper, if we were discussing someone's hedge or the fact that someone leaves their bins out side too long(i.e. normally something committed by someone with enough moral fibre to not burn your house down or rape your children), maybe, but you don't advertise your dislike of low lifes because if thats how they choose to live THEIR lives, they won't hesitate for a second to try and do the same to yours. You also don't walk into ***** camps and tell them they should **** off and get a real job either. Doesn't mean you can't have an opinion about it.
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