Rishi did a runner from Normandy

I'm a veteran and apart from a badge and an id card that I haven't got yet, and I think there are ulterior motives for that to be honest, I have had nothing form this or any other government. Luckily I can pay my own way and I am not on the streets and my mental health is okayish, many many veterans are not so lucky and are just abandoned
I think it is disgusting that our veterans are treated so badly especially the appalling lack of mental health support leading to some ending up homeless

I’m not making a political point, I’ve no idea which govt is to blame…all of them I guess.
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sadly he just seems clueless, I don't think he did it out of disrespect, he did it because he has no concept of very much.

Corbyn would probably not of attended to make some mad looney left point, Rishi Rich Boy did it cause he hasn't a clue. We need someone running the country with an ability to see the bleeding obvious. Farage wouldn't have fallen down such a massive and obvious elephant trap.

Rishi less supportive of veterans than Jeremy Corbyn?

As far as I can tell he regularly meets veterans on D Day.
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He's a busy man. He's got a country to run. Probably got more important things to do other than stuff his face with free nosh. He went there, showed his respect then left. Is there a set attendance time to show respect these days then?
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He's a busy man. He's got a country to run. Probably got more important things to do other than stuff his face with free nosh. He went there, showed his respect then left. Is there a set attendance time to show respect these days then?

Maybe stay for all the scheduled events?

And he returned to do a campaign interview with ITV.
Maybe stay for all the scheduled events?

And he returned to do an interview with ITV.
Of course. Nobody would have said anything if he'd had stayed there filling his face and 'avoiding' an interview. I’ve looked but I can’t see anyone criticising ITV for scheduling an interview on June 6th, can you?
Of course. Nobody would have said anything if he'd had stayed there filling his face and 'avoiding' an interview. I’ve looked but I can’t see anyone criticising ITV for scheduling an interview on June 6th, can you?

ITV have said it was the Tories suggestion. They had been struggling to get a time and date from the Tories for the interview with Sunak, and this is the one the Tories eventually put forward. I can't imagine you would defend a Labour PM doing the same.
I think it is disgusting that our veterans are treated so badly especially the appalling lack of mental health support leading to some ending up homeless

I’m not making a political point, I’ve no idea which govt is to blame…all of them I guess.

Spot on.
The sight of a unelected gammon standing next to the elected leaders of the free world fill's me with dismay...welcome to serfdom.
Regardless of the rights or wrongs, it's very strange. Yes these top politicians have people that schedule where they go and when, however surely he must have realised the optics of this wouldn't look good. He came back for a tv interview? I reckon the (negligible?) benefits of doing the interview could never have outweighed the benefits of staying put in France a bit longer.

Weird some of the decisions they make, totally weird.
Probably got more important things to do
He left to do a Paul Brand interview so he could double down on his lie about Labours tax rises

I don’t consider doubling down on lies “more important things to do”. It’s trying to save his own skin.

If he had left in order to find a way to increase support for veterans, that’s more important.
It's his 'Gillian Duffy moment'...
Seems garbage agrees...

"Nigel Farage has described the furore over the prime minister leaving D-Day commemorations early yesterday as his "Gillian Duffy moment".
He isn't of this country essentially is he?

I'm a veteran and apart from a badge and an id card that I haven't got yet, and I think there are ulterior motives for that to be honest, I have had nothing form this or any other government. Luckily I can pay my own way and I am not on the streets and my mental health is okayish, many many veterans are not so lucky and are just abandoned.
Well said we treat ex servicemen appallingly. America if anything is far worse because despite appearances there is no safety net of social security that at least we have something resembling here.
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