Rishi did a runner from Normandy

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so you dont know your political history or have read the entire thread i mentioned it was the 65th anniversary earlier in thread .Do keep up

Yeah Gordon Brown didn’t go to the 65th anniversary, not sure who this in the image below, must’ve been his twin brother

Yeah Gordon Brown didn’t go to the 65th anniversary, not sure who this in the image below, must’ve been his twin brother

Did he run home quick?

Or was that our current Leader.

We are all labelled because of his actions
Did he run home quick?

Or was that our current Leader.

We are all labelled because of his actions
The government at time had not included PM to go, but there was a bit of a rumpus and he did go

Gasbag is trying to claim some equivalence….poor chap is desperate
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Yeah Gordon Brown didn’t go to the 65th anniversary, not sure who this in the image below, must’ve been his twin brother

so obvious you were going to pick the first think you found on google ,look deeper at the before hand story about it . Yep didnt even think it warranted him attending
Its clear brown attended as a result of a changeof policy that PMs attend on key anniversaries only, Like tne 25th and 50th. Rishy was attending because of that change, then ignored the policy by leaving early, typical of the governments post brexhit make it up as you go along attitude towards us and our European neighbours. I hope the sh*t sticks.
Rishy is still apologising for his actions. News will get fed up of reporting it at some point. Maybe he wont.
Rishy is still apologising for his actions. News will get fed up of reporting it at some point. Maybe he wont.
He knows he got it badly wrong.

D day rememberance was, or should have been, above politics.
Yeah Gordon Brown didn’t go to the 65th anniversary, not sure who this in the image below, must’ve been his twin brother


Blimey bloke on the end yep that French bloke got put under house arrest and tagged afaik

Yes exactly
Turned out to be a scoundrel :giggle:

And that other bloke ( Obama) gave the brexit / leave campaign a massive boost :giggle::giggle::giggle:
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