Sinn Fein members elected to Westminster

Do people on here believe that the Protestants living on the Shankill Rd had better living conditions than Catholics from the Falls? the ruling class may of had better conditions (same today) but no way did the normal working class Protestant feel privileged.
Even the report posted by Vinty admits to Catholics having lower quality housing than Protestants.
"The figures for homes lacking amenities also show that Catholics were worse off than Protestants, although poor housing conditions were widespread in both communities."
About the sixth paragraph after Table 5.1

Even the report Vinty posted admits to there being counter opinions to the authors.
"Some historians have however gone further, and give the clear impression that the allegations of discrimination were true"
About ninth paragraph before the end of that section on Housing.
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I don't need a report to tell me, my own eyes will do, a terrace slum is a slum no matter what religion the tenant has.
Are slums with indoor facilities still slums?
The discussion is about discrimination in housing, and the report shows the hosues inhabited by catholics were of lower value, less facilites, more slum like, whichever way you want to word it.
A slum without indoor facilites is more of a slum that a house with indoor facilities. And when all the houses in the neighbourhood reflect the same pattern, perhaps housing larger families, the area becomes more slum-like than others. And the inhabitants of that area suffer more disease, more poverty, poorer education, etc.

The perception of discrimination is easily understood.
Raw data can be manipulated to mask such discrimination.
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Do people on here believe that the Protestants living on the Shankill Rd had better living conditions than Catholics from the Falls? the ruling class may of had better conditions (same today) but no way did the normal working class Protestant feel privileged.
Catholics were excluded from jobs in the public and private sector for decades, and were subject to widespread discrimination in a whole range of public services including housing, so yes.

Up next: Vinty explains why Gerry Mander was misunderstood, and Frank Carson was just telling it like it is.
I don't need a report to tell me, my own eyes will do, a terrace slum is a slum no matter what religion the tenant has.
Quite, it doesn't matter. Every time NI is mentioned it becomes us against them. It's ingrained and, depressingly, is unlikely to change.
Quite, it doesn't matter. Every time NI is mentioned it becomes us against them. It's ingrained and, depressingly, is unlikely to change.
When people put their own spin on historical events, it perpetuates the prejudice by misinforming/miseducating the younger members of society.
When people put their own spin on historical events, it perpetuates the prejudice by misinforming/miseducating the younger members of society.
It's not even historic though. When your taxi driver from the airport probes as to what team you support it is endemic. When they point out on the journey where kneecappings used to happen most, and why, "you got an appointment and had to turn up or else". It's sick. And the comments by some on here bring that recent visit flooding back.
It's not even historic though. When your taxi driver from the airport probes as to what team you support it is endemic. When they point out on the journey where kneecappings used to happen most, and why, "you got an appointment and had to turn up or else". It's sick. And the comments by some on here bring that recent visit flooding back.
I suppose if the history is a century ago, you wouldn't mind it being pointed out, because it would be genuinely historical.
But when it's only decades ago, it almost feels like a longing to go back to those times.

Edit: "When people put their own spin on historical events, it perpetuates the prejudice by misinforming/miseducating the younger members of society."
And that's how prejudice is perptuated.
Catholics were excluded from jobs in the public and private sector for decades, and were subject to widespread discrimination in a whole range of public services including housing, so yes.

Are you another manifestation of Roy.
Have you any evidence to support your nonsense.
Even the report posted by Vinty admits to Catholics having lower quality housing than Protestants
Can't you read.
The report i posted shows that the allocation of council housing disproportionately favoured Roman Catholics.
The conclusion of the author of the report stated. that if there was any bias, it was to the benefit of Nationalists.
"Some historians have however gone further, and give the clear impression that the allegations of discrimination were true
Who are these so called 'Historians'.
In my experience, so called historians are nothing than storytellers who plagiarise each others 'research' rather than making the effort find primary source evidence to support their conclusions.
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