Six kids killed in fire - parents arrested.

I could get them off if I were their lawyer. They were too thick to understand the volatility of petrol and the whole plan went awry. There was no intent though - so no murder charge.
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Quite why society sees fit to support such a prat with 14 kids is a mystery to me.
They have been arrested for murder :!:

Its a complex law, they set fire to a house knowing people where inside...people died and they are now charged with murder, which is correct.
The most frightening thing they could do to them, if , found guilty, is get them a fookin job. This man has been sponging off the state for his whole life. 18 kids by different women. He's been on the JK show and Ann Widdecombe shared his house for a tv program.
£510 a week in benefits + rent and council tax paid. He was on something rather more than the national average wage for sitting on his backside.
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It's a difficult situation when you have people who are hell bent on creating large families which they are never likely to be able to support without public handouts.

Short of castration and forced labour, what is the solution??
Terminate the benefit system would be a good start.
Other countries can live without it.

So why do we insist on promoting an underclass of parasitic ghouls?
It's a difficult situation when you have people who are hell bent on creating large families which they are never likely to be able to support without public handouts.

Short of castration and forced labour, what is the solution??

Adopt the Chinese birth policy, solve a myriad of problems. :!:
Terminate the benefit system would be a good start.
Other countries can live without it.

It wouldn't work, infact make it worse. We'd have thieves and f*ckwits running riot in our homes let alone the streets.

Lack of education is the fundamental cause.
So benefits are a bribe then? We'll feed you and house you on the condition you don't be 'norty'.
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