Snap election

21 Oct 2004
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United Kingdom
Ok so the rumours are going around. Now i know this would be very hard for people on here to do, but how about just giving a one word reply as to who you would vote for today if an election was called.

Thats a ONE yes JUST 1 word answer (ok more if you vote lib dem, monster looney etc but you get the point) not rambling views or half a page of rambling murmerings and pasted quotes etc
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I think everyone should just stay home as a vote of no confidence in any of the tossers!
Vote for me so i can fill my boots, and **** you , why don't they just come out with it?.. tut tut , so dishonest, that's where i get it from ... my tutors, my leaders.
I would use my exercise my right but not my obligation to vote.
ellal said:
bolo said:
ellal said:
= anarchy
=there is no choice!

But there is. If you think that those standing for election aren't worth a toss, then you can like Ellal and many thousands of others, exercise your right not to vote. Or, having decided that they are all useless, you can discount those that you consider to be most useless and vote for the last man standing.

Or if you think that you could do a better job, you could always stand for election yourself!
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