I've said since the 19th January (the first thread on this topic) that no Western nation will send troops to fight against Russia. However, there could easily be a renewed conflict as Russia tries to take the two Eastern regions and you appear to agree in the latter part of that statement.
Interesting that the announcement of a limited troop withdrawal was timed ten minutes before the German Chancellor arrived in Russia.
PS, genuinely interested to know about the "friend of a friend" -- are they connected to or employed by the Ukraine government or military?
The bottom line i there was never going to be a full invasion as that would cost a lot of lives on the Russian side and the ongoing gorilla war following that and ramifications with the rest of the world
Putin was bluffing, caught with his pants down and people in Russia and here feel he has not taken Dombas where over 80% support Russia is Putin is fearful of losing the billions that he has invested in the uk, eu and usa.
I've said it all along and as per the title of this thread it is not Russia/putin that wanted this war putin is a bully and looking at Dombas and a bloodless coup
like the Crimea.
The poor people of Ukraine on the front line have been suffering since 2014 and this crap needs to end once and for all.
Th UK etc would have never sent in troops other than build up on the number of "advisors"
From my understanding, there was never the armament/shells/missiles on the front line for a full invasion and no one wants to take out the infrastructure via aerial bombing and run any country into the ground like the usa done in certain countries with the help of the usa. Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan all cesspits now thanks to the west helped by uSA.
Putin has made Russia a lol stock and is a stain on the country as is Boris
I hope there is no war and Putin is forced by his genrals to move back all troops