Stock market dealing

That must be the distance in $ under the price as it rises (or above/falls).
They have to be annoyingly far not to be caught by a wick.
I quite often (relativelly) put them on Japanese stocks which look like they might run, overnight. Ok for currency pairs too.

I'm looking around for something to use for an account of my wife's. She doesn't like dips. . India will probably pick up where it left off but it would still get hit in a big crash. Away from stocks, in the past 6 or 3 months gold has done best, but though it may well head on to 3000, if all gets happy in tech world, it'll drop.
Some of the corp bonds are still returning about 30%pa, and some REITs are shooting up.

Apple could be a good buy about now, it's at the 200 MA. That doesn't happen very often. I think they have another "event" coming up which was a monster last time. At the mo they don't have a Large Language AI product in their range. They have a history of coming to the market a bit late but with a very good product. They don't have to be much better foi us to be able to say "Ok Apple here's £100k, trade it on the stock market (or the FX market) until it's £1m. Should only take a week.

Those other entry points
3spy 1285; soxl 12.05; Nail14.57.

No, it's something else. You set the pts away and a trailing step.

I can't see the 200MA on my platform, only 20,50,100 MAs. Maybe there's a way, but I didn't find it with a quick look around. Don't you need to specify what timeframe you are looking at for your MA? Daily I guess, but I don't know.
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Well the NVIDIA results were boring. I expect the stock will do ok though, no bad numbers at all.
Here's a chart to ponder. This could make one tetchy: All over in 2 hrs.


No, it's something else. You set the pts away and a trailing step.
I googled it. It's very simple. Suggest you do the same.

I can't see the 200MA on my platform, only 20,50,100 MAs. Maybe there's a way,
Ditto. You can have 7.

If not stipulated and it's a long term view, a MA means the SMA for the daily. Seems to be a convention.

FOund this too:
#Investing well the NVIDIA results were really good but not received too well, so the price didn't go the way most people thought.
So that's a bit of a fail.
Never mind. Very small percentage.
The 3NVD stopped out at -5%, the others ended up about where they started. I'll put the table in later, it'll take a while to sort out.
Leading on from the "Hmmm" in a previous post,
without a shadow of doubt 3NVD will be back up again later, maybe next week, or next month, but I don't want to hold a big neg position here.
Selling on a dip is generally a very bad idea.

If I'm going to do a review over the weekend (when the market is closed)
____ I only have Friday's price to work with.
It would be ordinary to think about it Friday late if something was looking bad, so I may decide it's best to sell, then. Most stocks can be traded up to midnight.
Monday morning's price and outlook will be different - sometimes radically so.

So I might plan to sell on the open on Monday but then change my mind, depending on what's happened. I can see prices change in the Pre-market, which would be a guide, along with the first 10 minutes or so (US Market opens 2:30 pm but is closed this Labour MonDay). One never buys or sells "on open" of the market, the price is poor either way because the spread is huge at that time.

I will expand the table to put in the Friday late price and the following Monday morning price, otherwise it's not realistic.

There are US employment(?) numbers coming out on Sept 6 which may spook the market, then the FED is going to cut rates, probably by 0.25%.
Anything unexpected may be quite bad for tech stocks, so I won't be holding those.
Maybe Apple - something coming up.

Costs of dealing - UK stock 0.5% tax, US stocks FX fee 0.3% on the round trip, depending on the platform.
Confounding things somewhat: In the last couple of weeks the Dollar has wekened by about 5%, degrading the values in £, but that's a lot more than usual.
A number fof UK stocks pay large dividends, up to 10% or so in 2 stages. That gives you the divi but the stock price dips, which plays havoc with your net investment number.
Tescos and Sainsbury's are good at the mo, I need to check those dates. The housebuilders have been good but paused.
Japan has been going up - largely on rate shifts, and India looks reasonable again.
British Banks - Lloyds, Barclays, are cheap along with the likes of Babcock, but people have been saying that for a while and little has happened.

A lot of stocks are back up to where they were before the mini-crash Aug 5th. "Levels" like that are like magnets, it can take a while for a strengthening environment to pull the price up off a level.
The S&P 500 for example is at the same level it was 10-12 weeks ago, whereas a couple of boring bonds I hold are up 6% in that time.
Real Estate is doing well, along with staples, utilities and healthcare. All are places you go when tech looks dodgy.
Gold has been going up, but historically it's not very attractive.
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Too complicated to maintain the chart this week, especially withe US markets shut tomorrow.
So last week I was down about 4%,here.
I shall look tomorrow to see what happened in India and Japan overnight. I'm expecting India to come carry on where it left off.
I'll put some money into 3IND when it shows.

Tescos and Sainsbury's are worh trying for a couple of percent if they continue. RR has dipped, may go back to that.
Builders like Persimmon, possibly Barrat, Keir, Bellway, Crest N.,TW, etc.

Whatever I have in the US - in stocks at least, will be out before the next big set of numbers come out, 5th or 6th.
After/if no nasties, a number of AI enablers look attractive.
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My trades last week would have been good if it were not for the stop losses. Citibank got stopped out, as I mentioned, at a price that it never went to. Same with my US Treasuries trade:

Treasury Bond Decimalised

I got on live chat to ask IG about why this was happening. Their only response after ten minutes has been "Hello, welcome to IG,".

My nvidia trade got stopped out last Tuesday after the price fell, lowering the trailing stop, and then rose. £-112.

My trades last week would have been good if it were not for the stop losses. Citibank got stopped out, as I mentioned, at a price that it never went to. Same with my US Treasuries trade:

Treasury Bond Decimalised

I got on live chat to ask IG about why this was happening. Their only response after ten minutes has been "Hello, welcome to IG,".

My nvidia trade got stopped out last Tuesday after the price fell, lowering the trailing stop, and then rose. £-112.

Treasury bonds are trending down aren;'t they??
Corporate bonds should be better. No Idea what would be on IG though - all the platforms are different on what they hold.
Do you get the feeling that stop losses are best avoided?
When you don't have one of course you get caught by something you hadn't noticed.
I've had some pretty spectacular fails due to stop losses, but overall, 95% or so have been ok.

ATR or somesuch type of stop would be OK I think, but a robust notification scheme, on relatively few stocks so one actually takes notice.
Which IG platfoprms do their ATR stops apply to?
MT4 is old, and I think it can use them - it may need addons.
I expect they can be implemented on TradingView - a number of brokers use that of course.

Eveyone's frit to invest right now, and I feel the same.
I expect things will be choppy in the big names.
I'm long Tesco, Sainsbury, Invesco smaller Cap Japan, some healthcare, real Estate, India, Bonds running at 2%/month and when I get round to it some US second-line tech companies which develop AI.
The upcoming employment and rate cut will cause jolts, but you can't wait forever,The cut, if 0.25%, shouldn't cause earthquakes but so much is overpriced...

Bit of a faff really, worrying over a couple of percent a week/month, when on an average day there are plenty of things moving that far ...
oh - Rolls Royce....
No idea why it dipped, nothing on sharecast. I bought some at 463, lets see if it comes back up. RR has had a steep rise, but keeps getting upgraded.
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Buying Shekel vs dollar this week - trend is up and reluctance to sell arms to Israel means less to spend shekels on.
Selling nvidia and gold as they seem to be coming off tops and I want to participate.
No stops cos IG will just trigger them when they feel like regardless of what the price is.
Treasury bonds are trending down aren;'t they??
The trade I posted was a rollover of trade I took out on 26th:

Treasury Bond Decimalised

Treasuries weren't trending down at that point.

Yes, I do get the feeling that stops do not work. You might make a good decision to buy at 100. You set a stop at 95. It gets hit. That means, that in spite of the thinking you did that 100 was a good price, you have sold at 95. There's a lack of logic.

I don't think IG do ATR stops.
RR glitch may be due to a faulty component on a Cathay plane. Hope they don't go the way of Boeing.
One time I had 5 figs of KWEB (china). I didn't want to leave it without a sl so I put it well out of the way, 20% below. The spike down was everywhere, but no reason.
If you suspect it's the broker, look at Tradingview.

Concennsus seems to be that NVIDIA has the profits to justify the price and will go another 25% or so. I'll keep buying dips when they come.
Many prices are now back atthe price level they were before therecent drop. Those levels can be sticky...

Some just went back to the slope
Guess who these are
Not AI, Not leveraged...

These demand attention.

I couldn't find ATR ts's on IG. IBKR says you can use them but in their extensive support material it doesn't say hw, unless it's in one of their videos. Complicated broker, layers of stuff they don't quite explain.
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It clearly is IG, but they don't respond when I ask about it, so I need to find someone else. I don't want to have to spend my time complaining every time they do this.

Well done on Rolls Royce.

Are your charts some stock index?
No they're big japanese cos - I was surprised. HItachi and something. ASICS?
TTV today is all about trends.... ;)

I was recommended Capital by a spread better, but they aren't taking noe peeps.

We have a poor choice compared with the US.

Scalping -
None of them have level2 which I would like.
Concennsus seems to be that NVIDIA has the profits to justify the price and will go another 25% or so.
Consensus exists because, if you're an analyst and you say something different from everyone else and you're wrong, you're out of a job. If you say the same as everyone else, and you're wrong, not a problem. Analysts exist and they're not going to go away, however wrong they are. So just say what everyone else does.
Buying nvidia today. Everyone who might have been shaken out now has time to have been, plus it looks to have found a bottom. Also Home Depot which has quite a modest p/e.
Modest job openings so perhaps rate cuts can come into the fore again.
Not great yesterday

NVIDIA Corp (All Sessions)
Home Depot Inc (All Sessions)

If nvidia couldn't go up yesterday then I don't think it will, so I've gone short today. I'll hold over NFP cos I think it's looking for a reason to go lower.
I've also sold USD/ILS again, and USD/JPY
Consensus exists because, if you're an analyst and you say something different from everyone else and you're wrong, you're out of a job. If you say the same as everyone else, and you're wrong, not a problem. Analysts exist and they're not going to go away, however wrong they are. So just say what everyone else does.
Cynic! The Bloomberg visitors are pretty varied. Some of the fund managers have dropped big tech now, but most think there's room to run.
Nvidia's P/E isn't all that high, which helps the faith be kept. DId I really type "Concennsus"?! Drunk, obvs.
I'm hoping it's choppy. Yesterday was great. In the ISAs I can't use CFD so I put half the balance in NVD -3x. It moved about 24%, bumped the balance up a bit.
Bits and pieces today. Tesla was OK.

Another whacky chart: CL.
View attachment 354537
Good luck with HD.
Tescos PE is lower, and they're up 20% in the last 2 months. + Sbry.
BATS is good with the divi.
Bunzl, Bez

Sipps are more difficult. Small cap Japan is ok atm.

Wrote that hours ago, forgot to press the button..

Today Thurs I watched a few large caps while trading the NQ - the $19000 one. It's 20:1.
Using only 60 shares and only getting half a dozen % of trades it doesn't sound much at all.

It was pretty straightforward - it was ranging, following the channel from the morning. Started at 12. I averaged-in to the less certain ones. The zigzag near the close was frantic. Didn't get all that.

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