Strangeways brings back hanging

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Can't see how it's good to gloat over another persons death, no matter what they have done.
...and the victims' family will not see justice done (ie- a conviction), or achieve the closure associated with a conviction.
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Gloating is wrong, but if he was guilty then good riddance. I doubt an innocent would have taken thier own life.
Can't see how it's good to gloat overanother persons death, no matter what they have done.
You're a better man than I am gunga din. :rolleyes:
...and the victims' family will not see justice done (ie- a conviction), or achieve the closure associated with a conviction.
If I were the victims family I would prefer the closure of knowing that the plick is no longer breathing. Which convictions in this country can't give.
Can't see how it's good to gloat overanother persons death, no matter what they have done.
You're a better man than I am gunga din. :rolleyes:
...and the victims' family will not see justice done (ie- a conviction), or achieve the closure associated with a conviction.
If I were the victims family I would prefer the closure of knowing that the plick is no longer breathing. Which convictions in this country can't give.

Well we voted out hanging for good reason. Most in this country are civilised, most...
Your wasting your breath Sooey, The do-gooders of society have won the day. Left to these lot (the do-gooders) society will degenerate further with all this human rights claptrap, they spout.
We may be "civilised", but murderers, terrorists, and generally those who plot against society, will continue to receive less and less in the way of meaningful sentences. The way it's going, in 20 yrs, murderers and rapists will be getting community service, whilst speeding motorists will probably be getting 5yrs inside. ;) ;)

For what it's worth, I don't believe society, has become more civilised in the last 40 yrs. The lawmakers , however, have become far too liberal.
Can't see how it's good to gloat overanother persons death, no matter what they have done.
You're a better man than I am gunga din. :rolleyes:
...and the victims' family will not see justice done (ie- a conviction), or achieve the closure associated with a conviction.
If I were the victims family I would prefer the closure of knowing that the plick is no longer breathing. Which convictions in this country can't give.

Are you sure?
In the recent case in Birmingham, where the suspect topped himself, the family said that they were gutted that the bloke would not have to answer for his actions in a court, or be convicted for his crime. They said he had denied them any closure as there were so many unanswered questions.
For what it's worth, I don't believe society, has become more civilised in the last 40 yrs. The lawmakers , however, have become far too liberal.

It's most definitely become a dam sight LESS civilised, starting from the very basics of simple good manners.
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