Strangeways brings back hanging

I fervently hope never to be in the position of having a family member murdered.
If I were and the murderer topped himself rather than take the consequences, I would take satisfaction from the fact that he was himself now dead as a direct consequence of his murderous act.
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Your wasting your breath Sooey, The do-gooders of society have won the day. Left to these lot (the do-gooders) society will degenerate further with all this human rights claptrap, they spout.
We may be "civilised", but murderers, terrorists, and generally those who plot against society, will continue to receive less and less in the way of meaningful sentences. The way it's going, in 20 yrs, murderers and rapists will be getting community service, whilst speeding motorists will probably be getting 5yrs inside. ;) ;)

For what it's worth, I don't believe society, has become more civilised in the last 40 yrs. The lawmakers , however, have become far too liberal.

Sentences for murder have got bigger in recent years, maybe you should take notice of whats going on around you..?
You said we voted out hanging. As in we the people. It's never been put to a referendum.
One reason for ending hanging was because we hund the civilised by mistake....
That's not an argument for doing away with the death penalty. It is a good argument for doing away with it in all but cases where there is no doubt about guilt. Which would still leave the likes of Huntley and Brady etc. swinging on the end of a rope.
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Sentences for murder have got bigger in recent years, maybe you should take notice of whats going on around you..?

Have they really? 30yrs ago, did murderers receive sentences with an automatic 1/3rd off as soon as the sentence was passed?

Although crimes not involving murder, compare these two.
The Great Train Robbers, received an average of 20 -30yrs in prison (1963)

Moving on to more modern times, the Securitas Robbers received an average of only 15yrs(2006)

My how times have changed. ;) ;) ;)
You said we voted out hanging. As in we the people. It's never been put to a referendum.
One reason for ending hanging was because we hund the civilised by mistake....
That's not an argument for doing away with the death penalty. It is a good argument for doing away with it in all but cases where there is no doubt about guilt. Which would still leave the likes of Huntley and Brady etc. swinging on the end of a rope.

We live in a democracy so we voted.

It's not a simple as ending hanging just because some fall through the net. But you are not in a possition to speak of family murders and how justic should be done for the victims families.

Still hang in many countries and murder still happens.

I have read through the hanging register at Strangways they used to hang 7 year old kids for stealing bread, maybe you should have been born in the good old days hey?
We live in a democracy so we voted.

No...we did not.

But you are not in a possition to speak of family murders and how justic should be done for the victims families.

Are you?

Still hang in many countries and murder still happens.

Not by the ones who've been hung it doesn't. :rolleyes:

I have read through the hanging register at Strangways they used to hang 7 year old kids for stealing bread, maybe you should have been born in the good old days hey?

Now you are just being ridiculous. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
No...we did not.

Guess you don't understand our political system.


Not by the ones who've been hung it doesn't. :rolleyes:

Sort of proves the none deterant affect don't you think?

Now you are just being ridiculous. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Why is that? What was morally acceptable in the good old days is very much not today, things change.

At the moment hanging is no more and if you wish it to return you are always welcome to campaign to change it, do you? Or are you one one these people who rattle on about an issue and sit around doing sod all to change what you believe So strongly in?
My stepson (bless him he wouldn't hurt a fly,,,, NOT) was put in prison for almost beating someone to death with an iron bar. The sentence? 10 yrs. He was let out about 18 months ago, after doing about 5 1/2 yrs. Said he'd learn't his lesson and wouldn't ever commit another criminal act in his life.
Last year, he was caught growing cannabis (a house full of the stuff, meter bypassed etc) Police reckon the crop had a street value of around £35,000 (so it's not nor was a small operation) Dragged back to court and given 21 months :eek: inside at the end of June. He was released just before Christmas, :eek: :eek: having spent only 6 months in jail. Now unemployed/ unemployable, he still has more money than I have (wonder how cause he certainly ain't earning it by legal means)
Perhaps if judges handed down meaningful sentences (like 21 months meaning a full 21 months, or 20 yrs meaning 20 yrs) crime might well decline (don't hold your breath though, because for every criminal, I'm sure there's 20 do-gooders claiming that those who commit crime are the real victims),,,,,, (not of course the actual victims of crime, they have very few people to speak up for them))
Guess you don't understand our political system.
I think I probably understand it as well as or better than you. That doesn't mean I have to agree with it.

Sorry to hear that, however that doesn't give you the right to say that only murder victims families should have a judgement on fitting punishments, we are ALL potential victims or families thereof.

Sort of proves the none deterant affect don't you think?
I think it proves that dead murderers never reoffend.

Why is that?
Comparing somebody who isn't sorry to see a murderer die, to somebody who would be glad to see kids hung for stealing bread is ridiculous however you want to put it.

What was morally acceptable in the good old days is very much not today, things change.

At the moment hanging is no more and if you wish it to return you are always welcome to campaign to change it, do you? Or are you one one these people who rattle on about an issue and sit around doing s** all to change what you believe So strongly in?
I'm one of those people who has a view on many different things, and who ocasionally likes to post something about them on this forum. That doesn't mean that I feel strongly enough about my views to campaign on them. Do you ask that stupid question to everybody on every forum you go on who has a different view than you're own? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
My stepson (bless him he wouldn't hurt a fly,,,, NOT) was put in prison for almost beating someone to death with an iron bar. The sentence? 10 yrs. He was let out about 18 months ago, after doing about 5 1/2 yrs. Said he'd learn't his lesson and wouldn't ever commit another criminal act in his life.
Last year, he was caught growing cannabis (a house full of the stuff, meter bypassed etc) Police reckon the crop had a street value of around £35,000 (so it's not nor was a small operation) Dragged back to court and given 21 months :eek: inside at the end of June. He was released just before Christmas, :eek: :eek: having spent only 6 months in jail. Now unemployed/ unemployable, he still has more money than I have (wonder how cause he certainly ain't earning it by legal means)
Perhaps if judges handed down meaningful sentences (like 21 months meaning a full 21 months, or 20 yrs meaning 20 yrs) crime might well decline (don't hold your breath though, because for every criminal, I'm sure there's 20 do-gooders claiming that those who commit crime are the real victims),,,,,, (not of course the actual victims of crime, they have very few people to speak up for them))

So how do you control criminals who just don't care? Strangeways riots were a wake-up call. You need to keep control of cons while in prison because if you don't give them a carrot prisons wouldn't be able to hold them! Vilont and sex criminal don't fall into the half term release and still do 2 thirds. Lifers are on licence for life and can be recalled for the littlest thing.

Cons do much for vicims, open prisons take 40% of out workers wage to add to victim support pot.

Make them work for a trade, I say, don't let them out until they qualify.
So how do you control criminals who just don't care? Strangeways riots were a wake-up call. You need to keep control of cons while in prison because if you don't give them a carrot prisons wouldn't be able to hold them!
Then, they are not prisons. Too much carrot, and not enough stick in my opinion. I'm far from being alone in my views.
So how do you control criminals who just don't care? Strangeways riots were a wake-up call. You need to keep control of cons while in prison because if you don't give them a carrot prisons wouldn't be able to hold them!
Then, they are not prisons. Too much carrot, and not enough stick in my opinion. I'm far from being alone in my views.

Uneducated view..? I was at Strangeways when the riots happened and I experienced the reasons why...
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