My stepson (bless him he wouldn't hurt a fly,,,, NOT) was put in prison for almost beating someone to death with an iron bar. The sentence? 10 yrs. He was let out about 18 months ago, after doing about 5 1/2 yrs. Said he'd learn't his lesson and wouldn't ever commit another criminal act in his life.
Last year, he was caught growing cannabis (a house full of the stuff, meter bypassed etc) Police reckon the crop had a street value of around £35,000 (so it's not nor was a small operation) Dragged back to court and given 21 months
inside at the end of June. He was released just before Christmas,
having spent only 6 months in jail. Now unemployed/ unemployable, he still has more money than I have (wonder how cause he certainly ain't earning it by legal means)
Perhaps if judges handed down meaningful sentences (like 21 months meaning a full 21 months, or 20 yrs meaning 20 yrs) crime might well decline (don't hold your breath though, because for every criminal, I'm sure there's 20 do-gooders claiming that those who commit crime are the real victims),,,,,, (not of course the actual victims of crime, they have very few people to speak up for them))