OK....I fear I'm going backwards, but I need to get something clear in my head please John, before I unleash my next confusing drawing. ... MET potential, and how that affects the connected conductors...
...Im getting a bit confused by the volt drop in a conductor when no current is flowing.
If there is no current through a conductor, then there is no 'volt drop' across it - so the potentials(relative to earth or anything else) at the twop ends will be identical.
Looked at the other way around, if there
IS a voltage across a conductor, then there
WILL be a current flowing through the conductor (the magnitude determined by Ohm's Law).
Does some of the confusion perhaps result from this term "voltage drop", I wonder? What/all we are talking about is the voltage across a conductor (of non-zero resistance) when a current flows though it - i.e. again just Ohm's Law. The difference between potentials(relative to earth or anything else) at the two ends of the conductor will then be equal to that 'voltage drop' (voltage across the conductor).
... So in CPC 1 we have 222.222 Amps ( as in previous examples) ... The voltage at the fault was 121v, by the time it gets to the MET the voltage has dropped to 88.88v, due to the resistance of the CPC.
Yes, that's one way of looking at it, but, also ...
So has the METs voltage to earth has risen by 88.88 v ???
Again, yes - as above, you could look at it that way (i.e. that the potential of the MET is the potential at the fault MINUS the voltage across ('voltage drop') the CPC. However, you could also look at it as being due to the fault current flowing through the 'conductor' from MET to earth (i.e. your R2e) ...
.... - i.e. 222.222 A x 0.4Ω = 88.88v
... But there is not a fault on CPC2 ... You said ---Since there will be no current flowing in the CPC of the 'other circuit' (without a fault), there will be no VD across the length of that other CPC, so that the potential at the end of it will be exactly the same as the potential of the MET.
Indeed (
in the absence of SB)
But is the MET at 88v or 0v
88v (relative to earth). Connecting other CPCs (just 'bits of wire which go nowhere', unless there is a fault in their circuit) to the MET obviously does not alter the situation in which the MET is at 88V relative to earth due to a fault on another circuit.
So what would be the voltage at the pipe (MPB) or the light switch (CPC)? So basically what is the voltage to earth at the MET and at the connected ECPs
You may be confusing yourself by referring to both the light switch and pipe as "ECPs" - the light switch is an
Exposed-c-p, but the pipe is an
Extraneous-c-p - and that difference is 'important' (albeit maybe fairly trivial)....
The exposed-c-p (light switch) is connected (by CPC) to MET, but no current is flowing through the CPC, hence no 'voltage drop' across it, hence is at exactly the same potential (88.88 V wrt earth) as the MET.
The extraneous-c-p (pipe) is connected (by bonding conductor) to MET. However, in this case, since the pipe provides a path to earth, there
will be some current flowing through it, hence there
will be some 'voltage drop' across it, hence the potential of the pipe (relative to earth) will be
a bit less than the potential of the MET (relative to earth) - i.e. a bit less than 88.8 V. In practice, since the resistance of the bonding conductor will be very low, and (usually) only a small proportion of the fault current will flow through the extraneous-c-p to earth, the voltage drop in bonding conductor will usually be very low, hence potential of extraneous-c-p very close to MET potential.
Does any of that make sense to you?
Kind Regards, John