I think you are making this too complicated by introducing different specific scenarios from the original bonding situations.
Since it is all that matters to our discussion about the regulation under consideration, I have done all I can (and will continue to try) to restrict the discussion to the simplest situation, with just one exposed-c-p (with a fault from L to exposed-c-p) and one extraneous-c-p in the room. In particular, I have not knowingly/intentionally been responsible for introducing the concept of a room with no exposed-c-ps, or of rooms with multiple exposed- and/or extraneous-c-ps.
Yes, but I meant an actually negligible value - as in the recognised value of 0.05Ω.
If the pipes were such that the impedance between them were 0.05Ω then SB would not be necessary.
I'm not sure where that 'recognised value' comes from - I only recall that figure being mentioned (probably in OSG!) as 'guidance' in relation to main bonding conductors. In any event, the figure (no matter how low) makes absolutely no difference difference to the generality of what I was saying ...
... It is probably an unrealistic/unattainable situation but
IF (without SB) the measured resistance from exposed-c-p to extraneous-c-p (via MET) were only 0.05Ω, then lets assume that is made up of exposed-MET=0.025 and extraneous-MET of 0.025Ω. If the former (CPC of circuit) were 0.025Ω, then, if it were 2.5/1.5mm² cable, the R1 would be 0.015Ω (0.025 x 3/5), hence R1+R2 would be 0.04Ω (0.025 + 0.015). If supply voltage during the fault were 230V, the fault current would be 5,750A (230V/0.04)
. The voltage ('drop') across the CPC would, in that hypothetical situation, hence be ('the infamous') 143.75V (which I have been calling 144V) - so that the PD between exposed-c-p and MET will be about 144V.
Since no current is flowing through the extraneous-c-p, there will be no VD across is, so the PD between extraneous- and exposed-c-ps will, as always, be about 144V. As I've said many times before, that figure (the 'touch voltage') depends essentially
only on the R1/R2 ratio of the cable (e.g. 5/3 for 2.5/1.5mm² cable),
regardless of any measured resistances/impedances.
If you wanted to be pedantic and consider the current through a victim touching both parts, that current would be (assuming 'body resistance' of 1,000Ω) about 143.75/(1000+0.025+0.015) = ~143.74 mA, which would result in a VD of about 3.6 mV (0.14375 x 0.025) between extraneous-c-p and MET - so the touch voltage' (between extraneous- and exposed-c-ps) would be about 3.6 mV less than 143.75V
Of course, the above scenario couldn't happen in practice since, even if R1+R2 were (I think unrealistically) only 0.04Ω (which, as above, would be necessary to achieve your 'recognised' figure of 0.05Ω 'between parts'), Ze would mean that fault current would be much lower than I have suggested, since the installation's supply voltage during the fault would be a lot less than 230V. In fact, if R1+R2 were 0.04Ω and Ze were 0.35Ω, the the installation's supply voltage during the fault would fall to about 23.6 V [ 230 x (0.04) / (0.04+0.35) ], hence the touch voltage' only about 14.7 V (23.6 x 5/8)
Yes, I think we agree on that now since your 'discovery'
Indeed. My conclusion (as a result of the 'discovery') is pretty simple ...
- IF, in any room, one wants to avoid any possibility of dangerous 'touch voltages' arising between two 'parts' (exposed- and/or extraneous), for the very brief duration of a fault until cleared, then the only way of achieving that (regardless of anything else, and any measurements) is by having local SB conductors electrically connecting those parts.
- IF, in any room, one is satisfied that the degree of protection against injury/death provided by a (30mA) RCD's limitation of the duration of the fault (hence shock) (regardless of magnitude of shock) then, provided (30mA) RCD protection is present, SB is never required.
- IF, even in the presence of RCD protection, one wished to limit the magnitude, as well as duration, of possible shocks, one would have to have SB, joining all exposed-0 and extraneous-c-ps in every room.
Kind Regards, John