Syria. Bomb or not to bomb?

There's far too many Jeremy Corbyn's out there in the UK , preaching peace and capitulation (there's even a few on here)
Therein lies the real problem.
If we didn't have these hand-wringers there would be a much greater possibility of our borders being closed and potential terrorists expelled from the country.
Either they have not the faintest idea of the problems they are causing or, hard to believe, they are fully aware and really do wish harm to come to this country for whatever reason.
As much as I do in fact believe our leaders have the brains of a dead moth, they must see what is going on and the consequences of their actions (Merkel?). I can only summarise there is some nasty underlying agenda going on. What it is I really don't know, but I really can't see how they can be as thick as they come across.
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I don't know. When it comes to politicians, the first thing that comes to my mind is "What course of action will make me rich?" I may be completely wrong, and I'd like to think that there may be some MPs who don't think only of themselves, but the impression I get is that most of them are only out for what they can get. There is also the incentive to obtain financial support for their party from either businessmen or unions, depending upon which party we're talking about.

Interestingly, one of the traditional incentives for MPs to pull the right strings used to be the offer of a seat in the House of Lords, but these days it is just as likely to be the award of a permanent position in that pointless organisation of goons in Brussels.
The war mongers (plenty on here) just don't get it do you? The Paris and Egypt attacks were in direct response to the bombing in Syria - so the war mongers in the UK want to join the club. I keep telling you "If you throw stones at a hornet's nest they'll swarm out and sting you". You can't fight an ideology. Cut off one head and it grows three more. Before we bombed Libya there was no ISIS. Wake up guys. Smell the coffee. Big bold talk is easy, but it's counter productive. It might be your children get shot next.
Really, the Russians alone should have been left to get on with the job of killing terrorists, and hopefully leave Assad in power.
But the US is concerned about the growing Russian threat; Hollande has to bomb for political reasons; and Cameron just wants to join the bandwagon so as not to appear weak.

The big problem with us in the West is that we try and impose our liberal traditions on peoples who don't want them.
Democracy has no place in the Middle East - they are used to being ruled by warlords and dictators - so why interfere?
As long as the oil keeps flowing, that's all we need from that cess-pit.
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The big problem with us in the West is that we try and impose our liberal traditions on peoples who don't want them.
Democracy has no place in the Middle East.

Do we impose our "liberal traditions" on those who come to live here though? Quite the reverse. Apparently we bend over backwards to welcome all and sundry to our shores (and just look how they repay us) If democracy has no place in the Middle East , then I'm afraid the Middle East (and her peoples)have no place in this country.
Nazi war planes tried to level London and it didn't do much to deter us, not sure what good a few 'precision strikes' are supposed to achieve.

Just close the borders to anyone from that part of the world, zero tolerance.

Then just let them stew in their own filth, they are quite happy to blow each other up without our help.

These countries pose no threat to us, it is only the individuals we let in that do.
The war mongers (plenty on here) just don't get it do you? The Paris and Egypt attacks were in direct response to the bombing in Syria - so the war mongers in the UK want to join the club. I keep telling you "If you throw stones at a hornet's nest they'll swarm out and sting you". You can't fight an ideology. Cut off one head and it grows three more. Before we bombed Libya there was no ISIS. Wake up guys. Smell the coffee. Big bold talk is easy, but it's counter productive. It might be your children get shot next.

Let them get on with it, it may be your children that are slaughtered for doing nothing wrong, just enjoying a night out with friends.

How can you say these attacks are in response to us bombing? You listen to the attackers(ISIS) too much, that's just an excuse, they want to rid the world of everyone that doesn't agree with their beliefs, including other Muslims.

Leaving them to it will be a massive mistake, they're a cancer, leave it to spread and you're dead.

As far as being no ISIS before the bombing of Libya, of course there was, they were known as al Qaida or the taliban.
Same fighters, different name, same f@ck wits.
UK will be dropping bombs by tomorrow if Cameron gets his way, so bunker down as the suicide bombers are already here, they already have ammunition and explosives.

If that's so then I'm changing my trade, I believe there's huge amounts of money to be made from being an arms dealer.


How do I get the photo to show in my post, Like above?
That has my vote for "the biggest smart ass answer that tells you nothing" award. ;)
I keep telling you - throwing stones at the hornets nest will result in them stinging you. It's all or nothing I'm afraid. Those that will harm our country are born in our country. It's not those in Syria that are the threat, it's those in our midst. So what about those? I've still to hear the Muslims come out on the streets and condemn ISIL. What does that tell you?
I keep telling you - throwing stones at the hornets nest will result in them stinging you. It's all or nothing I'm afraid. Those that will harm our country are born in our country. It's not those in Syria that are the threat, it's those in our midst. So what about those? I've still to hear the Muslims come out on the streets and condemn ISIL. What does that tell you?

If we don't throw stones at the hornets nest, they won't think any more of us - they will carry on despising us (and attacking us whenever possible) for what we are. All we can do about the resident ISIL sympathizers is to hope that the security services can keep the lid on them, but of course they only need to be lucky once.........

My own feeling for being cagey about bombing them is more to do with the fact that Russia for its part, and the Coalition for the other part, have completely different aims in Syria, and there seems no end strategy in sight. And with so many players, and many different factions on the ground, the chances of a genuine accident leading to something far more sinister are high.

In a nutshell, Syria and the whole Middle East cess pit is not worth the risk of pitching the main world powers against each other.
Syria will never be sorted with Assam there. He's already killed 300,000 and ISIS have killed 2000. So who's the real baddy? The problem for the West is that the Free Syrian Army who are expected to take control of the country after the bombing stops are the main target for the Russians, because their main opponent is Assad who the Russians support. Turkey is bombing the Kurds who are also against both Assad and ISIL. It's a mess.
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