Terrorism condemned

I see filly has mentioned a two-state solution, which Zionists like to pretend the Palestinians rejected.

In fact, Israel has never wanted it, and has taken great care to prevent one.

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Poor Sillyboy seems to be losing the plot and posting random nonsense.

Probably just a diversion attempt.

Has he lost his copy of the israel projects global language dictionary?
Useful tip from the manual

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They fled in 1948 because their leaders chose to go to war rather that accept having their own state as offered by the UN.

And they still didn't learn from that, they chose to go to war again and again.

How do you negotiate with these people.

An inversion of truth.

What page did you find that on?

" 1948 because their leaders chose to go to war"
That's the Israelis you mean. Palestine did not have, and has never had, an army, a navy or an air force. So when Israel attacked and slaughtered them, they were easily defeated.

Would you like to see some interviews with Israeli terrorists from the period, sitting in their old people's homes and bragging of the massacres they performed? Nazi murderers would have been prosecuted, even after 50 years.

How do you negotiate with these people, and their modern successors?
" 1948 because their leaders chose to go to war"
That's the Israelis you mean. Palestine did not have, and has never had, an army, a navy or an air force. So when Israel attacked and slaughtered them, they were easily defeated.

You really need to check your history.

Top tip. Facebook isn't a good starting point.
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