Texecom Premier Elite fault light, no power to key pad

so based on that, do you know where these keypads and expanders physically are?

the easiest option, might be to check set three is plugged in and look for the keypad thats light up and change the address on that one to address 6.

then wire them all in and do confirm devices.
if it falls over which I suspect it will you will need some psus to power it up at least one psu on network one but 2 psus should get them up and running but depends on bell boxs and other devices as to what will run when its in alarm.
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okay so I have located the pad, how exactly do I change its address ?
dip switch 3 should be in the opposite direction to the rest,

so change position of dips 2,3 and 4 and that should become number 6 ie 2 + =6
Okay I did that and upon attempting to wire in both sets that contain expanders the fault light was back.
Note I haven't yet confirmed the devices but I don't believe that produces the fault light
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Put one set of network cables on another network connector that’s not used ….if it’s ok then it’s overloaded
yeah the fault dissapears upon being moved to another network
I would look at numbering keypads and expanders on each network starting at first keypad on network 1, is number 1 and so on, same for network 2 and so on, same for the expanders.

You then need to look at what is connected to the keypads/ expanders.

so for example :-

Network 1 has:-

Keypads: 1 to ?
Expanders 1 to ?

Then what is attached to each Keypad
and what is attached to each Expander

So at the moment the system is not in alarm and not in fault, but if you have too much ie a bell box being activated in alarm it can draw a lot of current and cause the network to be in fault again.

if you map all this out we can guide you as to where is likely overloaded if in alarm or not.
is this doable through the wintex software alone? As I'm already aware whats supposed to be on network 1 --> expanders 1 -7 and keypads 1 -6
Each device has an address based on the dip switches, they are changed physically.
You will need to know what is connected to each expander on each network to program it up via wintex properly.
You cant have what you say on network 1 as you moved a cable to another network to remove the fault status.
network one currently only has expanders 3-6 and the system already has a configuration on wintex for all other networks which are working. So with my current understanding the network 1 is oveloaded when adding the extra expanders right? If so how can I fix that and as for the other item s connected to the system I doubt they draw enough to cause a system overload on network one however I can always check that by running the ring test ect on the alarm.
without knowing what is attached its hard to be certain on how many powered expanders you will need.

consider your limited to 900 mA, haven't checked but glass fuses is 1A so the poly fuses may well be 900mA dont do 640s every day and not looking it up.

so every time you get to 900mA worth of power in day made you will be overloaded, in Alarm condition you could have a bell box and that could draw around half or more than that 900mA so you would need to have a day mode draw of less than 300mA in order to keep the bell from taking above 900mA when in alarm.

if the limit 900mA, then you should aim for a theoretical of 10% less when device is in alarm, this gives you a bit of margin.

Texecom and other manufacturers publish the consumption data of each device so it can be worked out.

for example an Odyssey E bell box uses less power than an Odyssey bell box in alarm, but there are several different modes you can run the bell box and this has different implications. Have aa back light unit and that uses even more power.

door contacts use nothing, but a pir uses more and a dual tech even more, the older the device technology the chances are it uses more power than a newer device.
This is whats connected:
twice TEXECOM Odyssey X-B X-Series WDC-002 Grade 3 sounder and Integral Backlight
Texecom WDC-0001 Odyssey X-BE Grade 2 Sounder with Integral backlight
Okay what do you have on each of your 8 networks

Which expanders on which networks are the bell boxes on?

Do you have any powered expanders( big metal box like the panel box well usually).

An odyssey X-B will take over half of you network limit so without a psu to provide additional power you are going to be limited to how many you can have on it.

So 1 bell box a network if no psus, or you can dumb down the power of the bell box.

Because with 3 expanders on a network and a bell box in alarm you are likely to be over your limit.
Download Texecom’s en calculator you can get the numbers from there which may be easier than clicking through manuals to find them

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