C4 came up with views that have been expressed about her. 1st one was Thatcherite. No surprise there in terms of economics. Small state, low tax. Then she can have an argument in an empty room. Then a bit of a loose mouth.New leader is ethnic minority, but other hand poss right wing.
Other bits that have come out.
She runs an X account. I haven't looked to see what she says but an inference that it would be best to get some one to run it for her.
She has been accused of bullying.
Rather strange comment. Maternity pay. It's wrong to collect taxation and then hand it to people for support in this area. A lot of taxation is handed out on support. Just what is the alternative - no mention of that.
She had said something about mentioning Tory mistakes and etc. Laura BBC interview. Same question asked in several ways. Answer not going to do that.
She stayed well away from policy during her campaign. That is probably what got her elected.