The wheels are starting to loosen on the wagon.

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Mottie hates the idea that the rich and strong might help the poor and weak.

Poor, bitter Mottie.

Is Romania helping Italy.... = rich helping poor..?

I do believe other nations have helped the US in their hour of need.
The example you give is the opposite though. The poor and weak are helping the rich and strong. That’s not right, is it?

It dosnt matter we all help each other regardless of wealth. Its being decent human beings
Why? We all know his views, he's made them perfectly clear for the months. Why do you feel the need to antagonise, lord over and make another thread that will be locked with the squabbling and put-downs? Do we really have to bang on about the EU again and again and again?

The world has gone mad.

And you. Why do you want to spoil for a fight?!

Please sir.... I've been a good boy today.. Can I be a monitor? And a badge please...
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And a badge please...
By all means!

So your arguing that EU members are currently arguing over not helping other EU members so whats the chance they will help non-EU members. I think you may have shot yourself in the foot mottie!
Not at all. Where’s all this harmony people think we are going to be missing? As I say, we’re better off out of it. Just think of the in-fighting between the lot of 'em when all this is over. I wouldn’t be surprised if Germany were the next ones to jack it in.
Make Britain / UK Great again :cool:

Tis on the cards ;)

Transam wil do his bit :cool: as always ;)
Is Romania helping Italy.... = rich helping poor..?

I do believe other nations have helped the US in their hour of need.
They have, although it's questionable how much the US is willing to give back. Trump has blocked the export of masks to their traditional enemy and lynchpin of the axis of evil, Canada. And he's also discussing defunding the WHO, although that's probably just to distract from his failings.
They have, although it's questionable how much the US is willing to give back. Trump has blocked the export of masks to their traditional enemy and lynchpin of the axis of evil, Canada. And he's also discussing defunding the WHO, although that's probably just to distract from his failings.

I was more getting at that Russia have given aid to the US.
Is Romania helping Italy.... = rich helping poor..?

Mottie doesn't like rich countries contributing money to help the poorer

And he doesn't like other countries sending material or people to help countries that are worst hit.

Mottie doesn't like co-operation between nations.

Mottie is a sour, bitter little Englander.
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