The wheels are starting to loosen on the wagon.

JohnD just likes spouting shyte.

Mottie doesn’t like other countries making our laws.

Mottie doesn’t like being told by other countries that my country must house, educate and feed people from other countries that come to our country AND DON'T WORK when we can’t house, educate and feed our own people.
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Mottie doesn't like rich countries contributing money to help the poorer

And he doesn't like other countries sending material or people to help countries that are worst hit.

Mottie doesn't like co-operation between nations.

Mottie is a sour, bitter little Englander.

I cant answer for Mottie..... But helping each other is a must... Be it, if your in a club or not.... Its humanity
Mottie doesn't like rich countries contributing money to help the poorer

And he doesn't like other countries sending material or people to help countries that are worst hit.

Mottie doesn't like co-operation between nations.

Mottie is a sour, bitter little Englander.

Well the Chinese have certainly exported a virus

This country's financial collapse?? Is or will. Be due to foreigners ;)

Bought and paid for medical. Supplies have been hijacked by foreigners
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I cant answer for Mottie..... But helping each other is a must
Only I you can afford it. Sorry, but charity begins at home. If you had a relative in need and a stranger with the same need and could only afford to help one, which one would you help?
Only I you can afford it. Sorry, but charity begins at home. If you had a relative in need and a stranger ...

was in a position to help, would you turn your back?

Or pretend you "didn't get the mail"

Or refuse to participate in crisis meetings?

If your neighbour had sick children, would you say "let 'em die?"

Knowing that yours might be next?

Would you ignore pleas for help from someone with a different surname? Or religion? Or nationality?

You say you would.
was in a position to help, would you turn your back?
No. But that wasn’t the point. If the stranger could help, I’d take it. If I could help a stranger without detriment to a friend or family I would do so. Like I said, charity begins at home. What’s your point? What would you do if you could only afford to help family or strangers?
Well the Chinese have certainly exported a virus

This country's financial collapse?? Is or will. Be due to foreigners ;)

Bought and paid for medical. Supplies have been hijacked by foreigners
To be fair they didn't export much of it. We just thought it was such a neat idea we started to mass produce it locally.
Silly mottie creates a whining post, then posts a chart showing the opposite, then tries to reverse meaning again.

Poor, hate-filled Mottie.

Mottie hates to see nations helping their friends and neighbours, sharing resources, gaining skills, experience and knowledge by co-operating.

Quite alien to motties's view of the world.

Mottie even likes to pretend that our country contributed more than a tiny speck of our annual budget, and did not gain much greater benefits from membership.

Poor, hateful mottie.

There are more than a few Greeks who would laugh at your post.
No. But that wasn’t the point. If the stranger could help, I’d take it. If I could help a stranger without detriment to a friend or family I would do so. Like I said, charity begins at home. What’s your point? What would do if you could only afford to help family or strangers?
Oh, @JohnD you’ve replied to almost every post of mine within minutes but you’ve forgot to answer this one. I wonder why? :whistle:
Sorry, but charity begins at home.

So if an Essex person of the same religion had a grazed knee, and a Yorkshire person of a different religion had a broken leg, who would you help? Is it because lending a hand would "cause you detriment?"

Or would you just refuse to help all Yorkshire methodists on principle.

Or is it only people in foreign countries?
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