The wheels are starting to loosen on the wagon.

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ordering PPE in time so NHS staff weren't dying would be something to be more proud of.

but hey, Tories prefer propaganda.

There are always things that can be done better

All governments push propaganda

Tis the way it always has been and always will. Be

Economical with actual alletere what government in any country has not been ever

Rhetorical question

ordering PPE in time so NHS staff weren't dying would be something to be more proud of.

but hey, Tories prefer propaganda.
I saw on the daily bulletin tonight where Matt Hancock said that before this virus, they were supplying just 233 hospitals with PPE. They are now supplying 58,000 institutions with PPE and the logistics of that took some organising.
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When all this blows over, time to have a rethink about NHS supplies.

A bit like panic buying.
It costs a lot in the first place, but after a while you just keep replacing what you use up.

And if you end up with a large glut then the unused equipment either gets shipped elsewhere or recycled.
The upfront cost may have been quite large, but relatively nothing compared to the cost we are seeing now.

But that's the problem with 'just in time' political economics and supply chains.
You tell me: you voted for it(y)

Nobody voted for the WTO.

The Brexer campaigners falsely claimed that we would have a great deal with the EU. "The easiest deal in history." "We hold all the cards."

All lies.

Now the Brextremist government is pretending that WTO is what the UK voted for.

All lies.
during the 2016 referendum, the leave campaign was about 'a deal' -most cases it included staying in the SM and CU

Cameron made it clear we would be leaving the SM and CU.
Cameron was not running the Leave campaign

Brexers foolishly believed it.
Cameron was not running the Leave campaign

Cameron was the prime minister and made it clear a vote to leave would be leaving the SM and CU.
No one at the time knew that traitors who cannot accept a referendum result would rise up in the way that they did.
ordering PPE in time so NHS staff weren't dying would be something to be more proud of.

but hey, Tories prefer propaganda.

Look at Piers Morgan talking to Sadiq Khan. It's not just a tory problem
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