The wheels are starting to loosen on the wagon.

If it's each country for themselves then you are arguing for being self sufficient. What would you rather have a manufactiring sector or a financial sector?

Why continue to vote for parties that polices were encouraging deindustrialisation and your go to Brecit Economist - Minford saying just run down the manufactiring sector.

None of what you argue is consistent.

Well we will. Bare that in mind at the next election ;)

Don't forget to remind us in 4 years time ;)
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It's no secret that I am a strong believer in friendly co-operation with our neighbouring nations. It's a good thing I am not alone.



It's no secret that I am a strong believer in friendly co-operation with our neighbouring nations. It's a good thing I am not alone.

Nope u are not alone :cool: but

Unfortunately you and I seem to be in a minority during this crisis :eek:

Romania hmmmm dodgy

Standard issue kit for there diplomats when sent abroad is a mini tool kit

Screw drivers

For removing fixtures from hotels offices ect ect

They also have massive diplomatic bags ;)

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poor old Fillyboy, wheels are back on :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme

The European Central Bank (ECB) has launched an emergency €750bn ($820bn; £700bn) package to ease the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

It will buy government and company debt across the eurozone, including that of troubled Greece and Italy.

ECB boss Christine Lagarde tweeted "there are no limits" to its commitment to the euro.
poor old Fillyboy, wheels are back on :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme

The European Central Bank (ECB) has launched an emergency €750bn ($820bn; £700bn) package to ease the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

It will buy government and company debt across the eurozone, including that of troubled Greece and Italy.

ECB boss Christine Lagarde tweeted "there are no limits" to its commitment to the euro.

Most of that will probably be pinched by the dishonest corrupt countries/ officials in the EU and used to line there own pockets


To name 4
Europhobes hate this and will invent nonsense to make themselves feel better.

Cities and states across Germany are treating critically ill patients from Italy and France, making their own intensive care capacities available for around 175 Italian and French citizens.

For Italy, 85 intensive care beds have been reserved in 10 German federal states with 36 Italian patients already transferred to Germany.

For France, 98 intensive care beds have bee reserved in 8 federal states with 85 French patients already transfered to Germany.

Planes and helicopters operated by the German Airforce picked up intensive care patients from France and Italy for treatment in Germany. Medical staff from the University clinic Jena are supporting a clinic near Naples, Campania.

500 mobile medical units co-financed by the EU will soon be operational and be able to test citizens at their homes.

Seven French intensive care patients from Mulhouse, France, were airlifted on 25 March and are being treated in Luxembourg. Another 4 have arrived from Thionville.

Ambulance jets and two helicopters of the Luxembourg Air Rescue were integrated into the French Urgent Medical Aid Service. They have flown French intensive care patients to Hamburg and Dresden, Germany.
Mind u it's about time the EU stepped up to put a wheel back on The wagon

They can join the Chinese
And Cubans
Who are already in Italy and have been for weeks helping out
Austria transported 1.5 million masks and has offered over 3,000 litres of medical disinfectant to Italy via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

delivered 10,000 protective suits to Italy and another 10,000 to Spain.

France has donated 1 million masks to Italy and 20,000 protective suits.

Germany has delivered 300 ventilators to Italy

The Polish Centre for International Aid is sending a dedicated team of 15 Polish doctors and paramedics, certified by the WHO, to a field hospital in Brescia, Lombardy, one of the most affected areas in Italy.

Meanwhile, isolationists in the UK claim they "didn't get the email."
poor old Fillyboy, wheels are back on :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme

The European Central Bank (ECB) has launched an emergency €750bn ($820bn; £700bn) package to ease the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

It will buy government and company debt across the eurozone, including that of troubled Greece and Italy.

ECB boss Christine Lagarde tweeted "there are no limits" to its commitment to the euro.

Whilst the donation of good and services by EU countries to other EU countries is laudable, a real problem for *all* countries is the economic impact of the pandemic, again whilst the €490-750 bn is a start it doesn't seem anywhere near enough cash.
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