The wheels are starting to loosen on the wagon.

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Since the beginning of the outbreak, on board of over 100 repatriation flights facilitated and co-financed by the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, over 20,000 stranded EU citizens have been brought home so far. One in three passengers repatriated were European citizens from a different nationality than the country organising the repatriation flight. Many more intra-European flights, not through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, but chartered directly by Member States, are bringing citizens home daily.

Austria repatriated 1.234 citizens of 25 EU Member States on flights organized by Austria from Argentina,Australia, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco,Peru, Philippines, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Tunisia, UK, US, Vietnam.

Belgium repatriated citizens of 15 EU countries.

Czechia has already organized 14 flights and repatriated 542 EU citizens; one flight from Vietnam, under the
EU Civil Protection Mechanism, carried 193 Czechs and 85 EU citizens safely to their homes

France repatriated citizens of all 27 EU countries. A flight from Wuhan, China, in early February carried 64 French citizens and 135 other EU citizens.

Germany has repatriated about 3.000 citizens from various other EU countries.

Ireland organised a repatriation flight from Peru this week which included citizens from 12 EU countries

Italy repatriated citizens of 6 Member States from Tokyo, Japan

Latvia repatriated citizens of 5 Member States

Luxembourg repatriated citizens of 8 EU countries. A flight from Cabo Verde on 25 March carried just 20 Luxembourgish citizens and 131 other EU citizens.

Portugal has brought home hundreds of citizens of 15 EU countries.

Spain has brought home more than 600 European citizens of 16 EU countries.

Many more EU citizens have been repatriated by European flights not under the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. For example:

A Danish flight just brought home 105 Danes and another 179 Europeans from the Philippines.

Germany Support to 600 Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians to return home by ferry.

Hungary has brought back home citizens of 6 EU countries.

Lithuania helped bring home more than 400 citizens of 6 EU countries return home from Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and South America.

The Netherlands has brought back over 230 citizens of various EU countries home from Spain, Portugal, The Gambia, Cape Verde, Peru and Turkey.

Polish LOT airlines has helped repatriating citizens from 18 EU countries.

Poland offered citizens of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania ferries and dedicated trains to ensure their safe journey home. Poland also organised 18 convoys of over 800 vehicles, escorted by the Polish Police, to help more than 2.000 citizens of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to return home safely.

Portugal helped bring home hundreds of citizens of 17 EU countries.

Slovakia arranged for a flight from the US repatriating 300 EU citizens from 4 Member States. Six other flights are already planned.

Makes me proud to be a European Briton.
:rolleyes: glad to hear it :LOL:

Difficult to be any thing other than a European Briton tbh
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Meanwhile, the UK Foreign Office says:

"Family and friends may be able to transfer funds to you or buy you a ticket home. In what the Foreign Office calls “very exceptional circumstances”, the government may provide an emergency loan to help you return home.

“This is discretionary and will only be considered if you have exhausted all other methods of getting funds,” says the Foreign Office.

You must pay it back in six months and will be expected to surrender your passport until the debt is cleared."
Meanwhile, the UK Foreign Office says:

"Family and friends may be able to transfer funds to you or buy you a ticket home. In what the Foreign Office calls “very exceptional circumstances”, the government may provide an emergency loan to help you return home.

“This is discretionary and will only be considered if you have exhausted all other methods of getting funds,” says the Foreign Office.

You must pay it back in six months and will be expected to surrender your passport until the debt is cleared."

Quite right to

In fact depending on when and why they went abroad?
They can stay there until. This caper ends imo

poor old Fillyboy, wheels are back on :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme

The European Central Bank (ECB) has launched an emergency €750bn ($820bn; £700bn) package to ease the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

It will buy government and company debt across the eurozone, including that of troubled Greece and Italy.

ECB boss Christine Lagarde tweeted "there are no limits" to its commitment to the euro.

The UK take 9 whole days to set up a 4000-bed field hospital, and all Notchradamus can say is "what took so long?"

The ECB take a month to put out a statement, and he's beside himself with glee.

The UK take 9 whole days to set up a 4000-bed field hospital, and all Notchradamus can say is "what took so long?"
where did I say "what took so long"

and who said it was 9 days? -thats just Tory propaganda bulls hit. Convenient how it was the same length of time as the China one.

and it isnt a field hospital -it was a building already there

The ECB take a month to put out a statement, and he's beside himself with glee.
What has the WTO done
Still amazing and Somthing to be proud of
I watched crews of blokes fitting out an exhibition centre - floor guys, partition guys, ceiling guys and the rate of work and the amount of stuff fitted and fixed is astonishing.
You tell me: you voted for it(y)
no I didn't, you could not be more wrong

I didn't vote for Johnsons surrender act
nor did I vote for Tories pandering to brextremists with all this childish chest thumping anti EU bollards

during the 2016 referendum, the leave campaign was about 'a deal' -most cases it included staying in the SM and CU.
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