Theresa "Loosen the ban on Ivory Trade!"

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Another campaign promise to bring in the votes from poachers and smugglers!

It's lucky there are no voters with an interest in endangered species, or conservation, especially among the younger voters that Conservatives need.
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What makes you think that five noisy people are a majority of anything other than persistent propagandists?
Silly hate likes to pour out his angry bile.

He doesn't like disagreement.

Silly hate!
"Wahhh wahhhh wahhhh! Mummy , they voted brexit, I don't like brexit. I'm going to post endless drivel until I get my own way, wahhhh wahhhhh wahhhhhhhhh!"
" Calm down Johnd darling, mummy can't do anything about it, life's not fair, the will of the people decided on brexit, live with it"
The voices are probably the same as Cartman & his mum in South Park.
Can we please have a new forum

The Labour Supportor's Soap Box

No one makes as much noise as you, you're like a spoiled brat at a supermarket checkout having a hissy fit because mummy won't buy you sweeties.

"Wahhh wahhhh wahhhh! Mummy , they voted brexit, I don't like brexit. I'm going to post endless drivel until I get my own way, wahhhh wahhhhh wahhhhhhhhh!"
" Calm down Johnd darling, mummy can't do anything about it, life's not fair, the will of the people decided on brexit, live with it"
The voices are probably the same as Cartman & his mum in South Park.
As usual, some cannot discuss the topic so they resort to ad hominem comments.
Another campaign promise to bring in the votes from poachers and smugglers!

It's lucky there are no voters with an interest in endangered species, or conservation, especially among the younger voters that Conservatives need.

The conservatives did not include a mention in their manifesto of a proposed ban on ivory before 1947 but used to make pieces after . Anything post 1947 is already banned by existing law.

In 2015, the Government announced a ban on the sale of all ivory pieces produced after 1947. The law already made it illegal to sell ivory from elephants killed after 1947 but a loophole allowed dealers to claim the item was classified as “antique”, or produced before 1947, without showing any evidence.

To interpret that as 'tories loosen ban on ivory trade' is very far fetched. Well done for trying though
Let me just check.

Are you asserting that the following statement is untrue?

"David Cameron pledged a "total ban on ivory sales" if he won in 2015 but there is no mention of this in the Conservatives' latest general election manifesto"

or this one?

"Conservatives quietly bin pledge to ban ivory trade in 2017 manifesto

Government accused of bowing to pressure from powerful antiques industry lobby"

or this one?

"The most powerful UK antique traders association is the British Antique Dealers’ Association – whose president is Tory MP and pal of Theresa May, Lady Victoria Borwick."


or this one?

"On average, an elephant is killed every 15 minutes for its ivory and their population has fallen by almost a third in Africa since 2007."

or this one?

"It follows lobbying of politicians and civil servants by antiques industry trade bodies for the 2017 manifesto to have a more qualified version of the 2015 'total ban' pledge, or to remove it altogether. "
your thread heading says: 'Tories loosen ban on ivory trade'.

Please explain how the existing law has been changed since Theresa May has been prime minister?

There is no point in you posting quotes in great big bold text, when your post heading is clearly a lie.
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