Theresa "Loosen the ban on Ivory Trade!"

We have easy access to over 300yrs of political history . . . & yet we still try to connect our politicians thoughts into actual policy.

They lie to us. Which part of that don't you understand?

The youth of this country certainly dont understand theyve been bought. :mrgreen:

'Jez is gonna pay for our 3 years doing media studies, so we can party'

-sorry kids, it aint gonna happen. Theres only so hard you can shake da money tree and commie Mcdonnell wants to buy all those utilities first.
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Labour will be sending an economic fact finding mission to Venezuala , all paid for by the tax payer :LOL:
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John McDonnell: 'We're taking them back' have you got £320 Billion we can borrow to do it :mrgreen::D:mrgreen:
You seem to have conveniently forgotton that Jeremy Corbyn is a life long Eurosceptic :mrgreen::mrgreen:
You seem to have conveniently forgotton that...

...Buffoon-in-chief used to be against Brexit until he saw the chance of a new job for himself.

and so did his temporary boss

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