Theresa "Loosen the ban on Ivory Trade!"

ad hominem is: attempting to undermine a speaker's argument by attacking the speaker instead of addressing the argument.

Not possible to do when the speakers begins an argument with a straightforward lie.......
Just calling something a lie, irrespective of how many times you say it, does not prove it to be a lie, you have to demonstrate irrefutably that it is a lie.
So far you have failed to do so, just kept repeating it is a lie!
If I create a story about three little bears, and decide to call Red Riding Hood, who only has a bit part, it does not make the title a lie.
Perhaps it does not accurately reflect the content of the story, that would be in the eye of the reader, but it would be incorrect to call it a lie.
The author has a free choice of how to title his story/comment/post etc.
If you disagree with his title, you have the right to say so, but calling it a lie is just plain stupid.
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In that case please show me where the conservatives have changed the law to do with ivory

The title of the thread is:

Theresa "loosen the ban on Ivory trade"

The title is clearly made to give the impression that the Tories have changed the law. What other interpretation can 'loosen the ban' have?

Therefore, I have irrefutably demonstrated that is a lie, if you can prove that the law has been changed then please show me the proof.

I am not just calling it a lie, it is a lie.

The stupidity is not with me saying, it is with the person that can't or won't admit it is wrong.
If a government states an objective in its manifesto, then those that are, or will be affected, alter their trading model to prepare for the change in legislation.
For instance, industry and commerce will be changing their trading model to suit Brexit, if they knew what the outcome would be, as it is, they do not, so cannot.
The ivory trade will be exactly the same, they will be preparing for the inevitable change in legislation, so that when it comes they can continue in business.
When the government then drops any change in legislation, those affected breathe a sigh of relief, and metaphorically the trade is freed of any impending restraints, i.e. loosened.
You may disagree, but that does not make it a lie.
Otherwise everything that which you disagree would be a lie, and that is nonsensical.
If a government states an objective in its manifesto, then those that are, or will be affected, alter their trading model to prepare for the change in legislation.
For instance, industry and commerce will be changing their trading model to suit Brexit, if they knew what the outcome would be, as it is, they do not, so cannot.
The ivory trade will be exactly the same, they will be preparing for the inevitable change in legislation, so that when it comes they can continue in business.
When the government then drops any change in legislation, those affected breathe a sigh of relief, and metaphorically the trade is freed of any impending restraints, i.e. loosened.
You may disagree, but that does not make it a lie.
Otherwise everything that which you disagree would be a lie, and that is nonsensical.

You will certainly go to any lengths to avoid a straight answer to a straight question.

'drops any change in legislation' -there has been no change in legislation, it was a pledge announced in the 2015 Tory manifesto

'loosen the ban' without a shred of doubt states the Tories have changed a law removing a ban, they've done no such thing

I cant agree or disagree, its just a lie.
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An Elephant in Africa is killed every 15 or 25 minutes (?) at this rate they will be wiped out in Africa in 20 /25 years ???

China fuel the ivory trade & the Rhino horn trade.

They eat cats and dogs as well.

Bomb north Korea & create a massive refugee crisis on there border.

And while we are at it torpedo any Japanese & Norwegian whaling vessel.

Sorting some issues out is simple. Tell em to stop it if they do not then maximum violence ;)

If he does, it's not in your link, which says
"The sale of almost all ivory will be banned under new Government plans to stop elephant poaching."

It's great to see the tories reversing their previous policies. They've already dropped the dementia tax, the student loan increase, and reducing the pension triple-lock.

perhaps they're trying to find ways of losing fewer votes in the forthcoming election. They'll be gagging Rees-Mogg next, and photocopying the Labour manifesto.

As your granddaughter will have told you, Theresa's chumminess with the ivory trade was widely commented on among the under-45s in the run-up to the last election. One reason among very, very many
"The survey for the Social Market Foundation (SMF) by Opinium shows it is not just voters in their teens and 20s but also those in their 30s and young middle age who now believe that the Tories do not speak for them."
Theresa's chumminess with the ivory trade was widely commented on among the under-45s in the run-up to the last election.
Sadly not ever reported by the main newscasters though Johhnyboy. Yep a sure fire vote winner in any general election "Let's ban the ivory trade" I work with a lot of "under 45's and in the run up to the General Election, the last thing on their mind was the bloody ivory trade. Most of them were bothered about money, inflation, their jobs, their family,,,, Sad isn't it,, Most people are bothered about themselves, their family and their ability to keep a roof over their heads and feed their families, rather than elephant tusks.. What a sad world we live in (gladly not the same one you apparently live on)
you think that a party that promises to enforce an ivory ban, then quietly drops and ignores its promise, has kept its promise.

It hasn't.
You think a party who promised to stop student loans, then after they didn't get elected said they'd only promised to "look again at the question of student loans", have actually made a promise to stop student loans?
If he does, it's not in your link, which says
"The sale of almost all ivory will be banned under new Government plans to stop elephant poaching."

It's great to see the tories reversing their previous policies. They've already dropped the dementia tax, the student loan increase, and reducing the pension triple-lock.

perhaps they're trying to find ways of losing fewer votes in the forthcoming election. They'll be gagging Rees-Mogg next, and photocopying the Labour manifesto.

As your granddaughter will have told you, Theresa's chumminess with the ivory trade was widely commented on among the under-45s in the run-up to the last election. One reason among very, very many
"The survey for the Social Market Foundation (SMF) by Opinium shows it is not just voters in their teens and 20s but also those in their 30s and young middle age who now believe that the Tories do not speak for them."

I hardly think Theresa Mays 'chumminess' has had any influence. Thats just an unproven smear.

Here is a lengthy debate on the subject, where Victoria Borwick was present and questioned in detail.

Oh judy, you are silly.

The manifesto said what they would do. They haven't backed down on what the manifesto said.

Unlike, funnily enough, Theresa and her manifesto, when promises have been flung away like confetti.
Oh judy, you are silly.

The manifesto said what they would do. They haven't backed down on what the manifesto said.

Unlike, funnily enough, Theresa and her manifesto, when promises have been flung away like confetti.

Whats the point of saying they havent backed down on what the manifesto says.

The labour party are in opposition they can say entirely whatever they like, its all, in theory.

And Jeremy Corbyn admitted after the election that despitr his rhetoric on student debt and ending tuition fees, it was only 'an ambition'.

'An ambition' - poltitician speak for 'soapbox ranting drivel' :D:D:D
We have easy access to over 300yrs of political history . . . & yet we still try to connect our politicians thoughts into actual policy.

They lie to us. Which part of that don't you understand?
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