Sub 12ft lb air rifles also have a problem that might cause more controls in England.
Up here in Scotland to own or shoot a Sub 12FT. lbs air weapon you MUST have a license, a so called Air Weapon license.
To get even that, you WILL get a home visit from a Firearms cop, you must prove it is being stored correctly, the police can and do talk to your Doctor, your records as held by the state are interrogated, and [If the powers that be] have any sense, your Facebook profile.
These licenses were first issued up here some 5 years ago, they last for 5 years, I have just undergone my renewal process.
Also you MUST have a good reason to own such a FIREARM [Air weapons are classified as a Firearm] that being a member of a club or a permission [in writing] to shoot [say] vermin on someones land.
it is an offence to.
1/. Shoot targets out your own back door, unless the Police Chief Constable states in writing that you are permitted to do this.
2/. Have an air WEAPON out of a gun bag or gun slip on the street.
3/. You are not permitted to take your air WEAPON out of the case or slip if you are within 25 yards of the center line of a public road
The club I am a member of is now being asked several times a month as to whether "Joe Bloggs" is a member, either because some numpty is chancing his arm and has applied for an AWL, or it is a member, or??? an Ex-Member whose AWL is up for renewal.
When this legislation came in 5 years ago the Police did not want it they had enough powers as it was, this legislation is sucking in manpower and time and money to administer.
But not to worry sometime soonish it WILL be made into law in England, whether before or after Cross Bow Legislation ?? Typical Knee jerk reaction to appease a "Horrified Populous"
As an aside, there are many, many cross bows far, far, far more powerful than a Sub-12 Ft-lbs air WEAPON
Finally Yes I shoot 0.22 small bore in a club, I also take part in dozens of club level competitions, and with the same club I have shot full bore on an approved range at 600 yards, that was really scary, when asked who had loaded the rounds, I was told that [someone] had, how much powder did you use I asked?? Naa I did not measure it. if I can hear the bullet squeak when I cramp it into the case that will be OK, after the shoot I was told that was a wind up.
As for America, I despair, and am more than happy to live with the [and in my opinion] necessary restrictions over here, even for Air WEAPONS