This is the sort of pledge that might get my vote.

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Although I'd need more clarification on this: "The party has not detailed whether it would introduce enforcement measures to back up its stance".

For every individual not being productive, it needs 3, 4, 5 or what ever working to keep them. When I was that age, there simply was no other option or expectation, than to get a job and WORK, for my living.
The Welfare State has been around for over 100 years so i doubt Harry remembers the reign of Edward VII as well as all that.:rolleyes:

How 'bout the proposal to give£10,000 to people when they hit the age of 30?

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For every individual not being productive, it needs 3, 4, 5 or what ever working to keep them. When I was that age, there simply was no other option or expectation, than to get a job and WORK, for my living.
The vast majority of people on benefits do so because they can’t work.

If you want to talk about benefit scroungers, that’s fine but you need to make it clear that is a small percentage of people on benefits
Although I'd need more clarification on this: "The party has not detailed whether it would introduce enforcement measures to back up its stance".

hook, line and sinker springs to mind.

Every time the Conservatives suggested an clamp downs on benefits, the Labour Party were up in arms - so maybe they are aiming to be the nasty party!

Do you really expect details ?
Apart from those 4 million unemployed under Thatcher

Under Thatcher, it was a time of great change in the work place, some unemployment was unavoidable. Very different to now, where we have a shortfall in workers.
hook, line and sinker springs to mind.

Every time the Conservatives suggested an clamp downs on benefits, the Labour Party were up in arms - so maybe they are aiming to be the nasty party!

Do you really expect details ?

Labour were pretty tough on large groups of benefit claimants last time in office. They brought in a much tougher regime for people who claim as sick and made big changes to the rules about claiming as a single parent. You might be pleasantly surprised!
Under Thatcher
We had no internet
Mobile phones were't mobile
Only the milkman had an electric vehicle
We didn't have instagram, YouTube, Facebook etc
If you wanted to read stuff for free you had to join a club (library)
We couldn't even get McDonalds delivered to our home.
Only 10% of lucky people went to University.

Times were tough.
hook, line and sinker springs to mind.

Every time the Conservatives suggested an clamp downs on benefits, the Labour Party were up in arms - so maybe they are aiming to be the nasty party!

Do you really expect details ?
why would the Labour party reveal any details?

Conservatives are already looking at copying Labours tax plans purely as an election strategy.
Under Thatcher, it was a time of great change in the work place, some unemployment was unavoidable
yes Thatcher destroyed our manufacturing base and left the regions of this country in terminal decline -ironically the same regions which are most supportive of brexit just to make them even worse off

she also got rid of 1.5m million council houses so now one of the largest costs being paid out in benefits is housing benefit
Latest forecast.png
Youth economic inactivity is a problem which could solve itself, the military top brass are predicting war with Russia within 5 years.
However as the Ukranian army is starting to fall apart, the demand for fresh bodies to feed the grinder could come sooner rather than later.
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