This is the sort of pledge that might get my vote.

Oh come on yourself, you always post your opinion as fact and never research your arguments. Look at the best places to live and work in the UK, you will be surprised.

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Oh come on yourself, you always post your opinion as fact and never research your arguments. Look at the best places to live and work in the UK, you will be surprised.

Total jobs.

Good source if facts that
oh come on, dont even bother trying to squirm your way out of such an obvious strawman:

"why would you be against the idea of ditching low skilled, high polluting, low margin industry, for high skilled, low polluting, high margin industry?"

Your statement is deliberately misleading because jobs were not replaced in those regions of the UK, what happened was all the power and wealth was moved to London / South East and the regions were left to decline for decades (and then manipulated to vote for brexit making them even poorer)

All very well and good, but of little use raking over history.

The issue is what to do NOW.

For me, and I'm probably wrong, the Tory default of tax cuts is merely a bribe to the mouth-breathers / self-interested (most of the electorate).

A bribe, as in what will it really achieve, for the UK?

A not-inconsiderable proportion of the population are living hand-to-mouth, so even if they do benefit from a tax cut, it'll only be to make their lives a bit less unbearable, and do little for the UK as a whole.

Those with a bit more to spare, any tax cut would do what? A coffee when out, an occasional restaurant meal for the family................a bullshoite "boost" to the economy, supporting low-wage, low-skill service jobs.

Better to maintain or increase taxes, and actually invest in the UK; education, health, infrastructure. Things that will help us become better-paid, more productive, and increase our standard of living to boot.

But, I'm probably wrong.
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Are lots of people unemployed? Did the population shrink?

People must be doing something for a living.

As usual you are all over the shop wth yout reasoning.

How much value add is there for 1 manufacturing job verse 1 service sector job?

Then tell me as to pollution - who has sh it in the rivers?

The idea that manufacturing needed to be decimated so that we could have service sector based economy is just pure rubbish.

The UK under Thatcher didnt invest in manufacturing and we have the low levels of business investment and Government investment.

But yeah people need to do each others laundry.
Thatcher destroyed our manufacturing base
The most significant thing she did in that respect was to remove exchange controls. That allowed UK industry to destroy itself by going elsewhere. When a larger outfit goes their support companies go as well. It took a while but....

The other aspect relates to competing with imports. A sort of if you think you can't don't even try approach. John Harvey-Jones type thinking.

Home market size and degree of exports at the time also figured.
All very well and good, but of little use raking over history.

The issue is what to do NOW.

For me, and I'm probably wrong, the Tory default of tax cuts is merely a bribe to the mouth-breathers / self-interested (most of the electorate).

A bribe, as in what will it really achieve, for the UK?

A not-inconsiderable proportion of the population are living hand-to-mouth, so even if they do benefit from a tax cut, it'll only be to make their lives a bit less unbearable, and do little for the UK as a whole.

Those with a bit more to spare, any tax cut would do what? A coffee when out, an occasional restaurant meal for the family................a bullshoite "boost" to the economy, supporting low-wage, low-skill service jobs.

Better to maintain or increase taxes, and actually invest in the UK; education, health, infrastructure. Things that will help us become better-paid, more productive, and increase our standard of living to boot.

But, I'm probably wrong.

You are right we have low levels of investment. Both public and private.
Hitler was still predicting total victory when the Russians were within shooting distance of his front door.
Explain why the top brass are predicting the necessity of UK intervention in this war if the Ukranians are capable of winning it on their own.

The last true British patriot.

God help us if he is a great British patriot. He fought bravely in the war but slid down hill along with his politics from the 1960s.
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Any Labour plans for as when and if they get into power depends what they inherit so being vauge on details is how it would work for any opposition party ??

Fact is the international / world state of affairs is pretty dire at the moment

Starmer has to run a tight ship be economical with the actual alleterre

Tis the way it works
If Mottie is thinking of voting Labour, then the tories are going to be wiped out. Who next, Filly?
You are right we have low levels of investment. Both public and private.
The Tory are cutting back on public. Private is tricky. As Starmer has said quick rapid changes are not possible. All that can be said is that Shadow Lady's seminar for the money lot was very well attended where as hardly anyone went to one Sunak held. One stated that their main interest was stability so they can plan and that in some respects taxation rates are secondary. No more Lizard type thinking. Tory do seem to have a problem in this area that could be called back benchers. ;) In other areas as well.

Tax cuts this week. Seems back bencher die hards are around. A surprising group think that civic aspects are more important - the IMF. Rather unusual view from them. BofE concerns as well in terms of how much cash is put into the economy by a reduction. The actual cabinet - well just have to wait and see but rather low decreases are expected. A common trick is take too much for a while to allow a more significant reductions later. Especially prior to an election. Also changes usually relate to next year or some point in the future.
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