Trade deals progress

What exactly has he done? Really? He can't even sort out his own party.
Let's face it; he's a career protester.
One thing is for sure; if he ever gets to be PM, it'll be "interesting"..........

He's done the only sensible thing - let the ruling government make a mess of Brexit. When the enemy is in self destruct mode, you don't waltz in and start interfering, you keep your head down and wait. The Tories made it clear that they didn't want a cross-party group to manage Brexit, they were so sure they'd agree an awesome deal by themselves. Labour are right to leave them to it.

I am resigned to the fact that we have at least another 20 years of Tory rule, and by time labour get back, the NHS will be owned by Virgin and America, the police will be a privatised security group, state schools will all be in special measures while independent schools takeover failing academies, all the disabled people will be forced to work in call centres, the elderly will continue to die in droves every cold snap. And we'll all get rickets and scurvy because we still won't have a trade agreement with the EU to import fresh fruits and vegetables from warmer climes, or the ferries to import them.
The only healthy people will be those with their own allotment.

And everything else will be just like it was in the 70s, when Britain was great! Mass unemployment, regular power cuts, crap food.

The Beeb were promoting this earlier today. I think this is the future of the UK health service:
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The Conservatives gained power under Thatcher in 1979, and mass unemployment took them a couple of years to achieve. It topped three million in 1983 and stayed around that level up to and including 1987.
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That would require an extension of A50 for a period long enough to carry out a repeat negotiation, draw up an agreement and get the two parties to agree it.

So whoever happens to be Prime Minister of the UK would have to request an A50 extension of about 2 years.

EU27 have indicated that they are not interested in an extension of a few weeks or a couple of months. They are under no obligation to accede to an extension request.

Rice-Pudd and his nutters would hate it because they'd see the prospect of ever achieving a catastrophic Brexit receding. And with every month the number of strongly pro-EU voters grows, and the number of strongly anti-EU voters shrinks.
Rice-Pudd and his nutters would hate it because they'd see the prospect of ever achieving a catastrophic Brexit receding. And with every month the number of strongly pro-EU voters grows, and the number of strongly anti-EU voters shrinks.
Don't you just hate it when xenophobic buffoons keep on dying and more open minded people reach voting age (y)
A letter published in Saturday's Daily Telegraph, from Devon businessman John Kirby...

SIR - I run and own two companies, one in the United States and one in Britain. We frequently ship products to and from countries all over the world under World Trade Organisation protocols, and experience no problems. The tariffs vary from zero to about 4 per cent.
We have to answer three questions. What the goods are; what we are charging for them; and what the country of origin is. It takes about two minutes to fill in the form on the internet when we book a shipment. All shipping agents provide this service. There are no delays.
I cannot understand why there is all this talk of chaos if we leave the EU without a deal.

There you have it, the truth from a real businessman, a man who makes money for our country. Not a LibLabCon politician, not an NHS manager, not Professor Cliff Edge of the BBC and not some message board know it all.

Read more:
Don't you just hate it when xenophobic buffoons keep on dying and more open minded people reach voting age (y)
Another BAS fan club member spreading hate of all,wishing people would die
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Especially all those who are so terrified of the Germans that they'd rather hide in an economically deprived hole for 50 years singing Rule Britannia.
Will be worth it in the end..better than you lot singing "Deutchlandlied"!!!...quite apt
The UK imports billions of pounds worth of goods from outside the EU every year with no problems.
Stuff from outside the EU is also usually a lot cheaper as well.
What has the EU got that cannot be sourced elsewhere in the event of a situation were the UK is forced out of the EU without some sort of agreement in place.
The rest of the world is a lot bigger than the EU and has everything you would require to lead a civilised life.
Maybe the EU is afraid that when people realise that there is life outside the EU more and more people will want to leave.
The UK imports billions of pounds worth of goods from outside the EU every year....

taking advantage of the trade deals which the EU has negotiated on behalf of all its members.

The UK has voted to throw away all those deals and start again with nothing.

Vinty sees no problem.
It's not my fault you don't know what you're talking about :rolleyes:

Because the N.I. border becomes a hard land border with the EU but without freedom of movement...

Which is illegal according to the Good friday agreement!

And it is not a 'seamless' process, it is based on laborious negotiations to ensure that standards/regulations are maintained.

Thus when the UK leaves the EU it will have to prove to each and every EU/EEA country that British standards meet theirs.
Which also btw means duplicating more roles to be filled by unelected UKcrats!

Should we do a deal with for example the US, and then should we allow in goods that don't meet EU standards then we would have no corresponding 'throughput' to the EU market...

These standards would have to be upheld, hence the problems that will be caused.

It's a shame that quitters don't understand the 'on the ground' ramifications of their hissy fit!
The Belfast agreement was 20 years ago, there is no mention of hard border or Brexit as is wasn't an issue back then.
Any references to the Irish border were to do with security and prevention of terrorism.
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