Train fare dodger's changed his tune !

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He won't be charged.

The student, on the other hand, broke the rules regarding using abusive language towards staff, and could/shou­ld be charged as a result. He'd do well to shut up and take his medicine, in my opinion.

Oh, except turns out he did have a ticket, it was just in his other trousers/h­ad the wrong date/his dog ate it.

Yeah, right...

A student couldn't be attacked at school - so why on a train? Well?
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Or look at it this way... no-one comes well out of this. The passenger had wrongly-pr­inted tickets, he says - but from the dialogue on the video it seems he had simply given one to the collector.­) There again we cannot (obviously­) see what happened before.) It may be that the collector was being obtuse about that - in that case the only thing to do, was buy a single, get a receipt and claim back perhaps making a written complaint. If his story is to be believed. :rolleyes:

The collector mishandled the situation. He should have called the transport police imo, and the person who intervened did not try to reason with the young man, or to mediate between him and the collector. He just went in, although no-one was being actually menaced.

The ticket collector needs a good talking-to by his manager, not dismissal; the evidence is there on the video of his actions. The young man should be warned (by the police) about abusive behaviour and the legality of travelling without a ticket. And the police should also warn the man who intervened that good intentions are no excuse for what was assault.

And then we should all chill and try to remember its the season of goodwill. :D

Just trying to find some common ground here Joe.
Could we look at it like the Martin case, farmer shot the gypsy goes to prison, home owner stabs burglar, goes free, common sense has to come in some here. I think.

edit; i was late :D
But in the eyes of the law he was still attacked.

Scotrail owed him a duty of care. Encouraging other passenger to assault him aint no duty of care.

I'd love to go to court on this one. I could make him a wealthy young man.

First stop Harley Street about the headaches he's had ever since the assault.
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But in the eyes of the law he was still attacked.

Scotrail owed him a duty of care. Encouraging other passenger to assault him aint no duty of care.

I'd love to go to court on this one. I could make him a wealthy young man.

First stop Harley Street about the headaches he's had ever since the assault.

What if he was Polish? I cannot believe Im seeing what you have written. But at least your honest. Thanks Joe. Good night.
But in the eyes of the law he was still attacked.

Scotrail owed him a duty of care. Encouraging other passenger to assault him aint no duty of care.

I'd love to go to court on this one. I could make him a wealthy young man.

First stop Harley Street about the headaches he's had ever since the assault.

You only go to Harly street if YOU have Harley street money, no one will do that because of the cost involved, if your starting there, then god knows what the expense wood be if you lost, (mens rea?)sp.
But in the eyes of the law he was still attacked.

Scotrail owed him a duty of care.

By that rationell, Network South East (at the time) should have looked after me when I had my skull cracked and a 4 inch knife wound becuase I refused to give a drunk Manc my wallet? Get real Joe. :rolleyes:
But in the eyes of the law he was still attacked.

Scotrail owed him a duty of care. Encouraging other passenger to assault him aint no duty of care.

I'd love to go to court on this one. I could make him a wealthy young man.

First stop Harley Street about the headaches he's had ever since the assault.

You only go to Harly street if YOU have Harley street money, no one will do that because of the cost involved, if your starting there, then god knows what the expense wood be if you lost, (mens rea?)sp.

You wouldn't lose.
But in the eyes of the law he was still attacked.

Scotrail owed him a duty of care.

By that rationell, Network South East (at the time) should have looked after me when I had my skull cracked and a 4 inch knife wound becuase I refused to give a drunk Manc my wallet? Get real Joe. :rolleyes:

Did the conductor encourage the drunk to do it?
But in the eyes of the law he was still attacked.

Scotrail owed him a duty of care. Encouraging other passenger to assault him aint no duty of care.

I'd love to go to court on this one. I could make him a wealthy young man.

First stop Harley Street about the headaches he's had ever since the assault.

You only go to Harly street if YOU have Harley street money, no one will do that because of the cost involved, if your starting there, then god knows what the expense wood be if you lost, (mens rea?)sp.

You wouldn't lose.

Then phone him, no win no fee, take him to harley street, post your blog, what the problem? you can't lose?
But in the eyes of the law he was still attacked.

Scotrail owed him a duty of care.

By that rationell, Network South East (at the time) should have looked after me when I had my skull cracked and a 4 inch knife wound becuase I refused to give a drunk Manc my wallet? Get real Joe. :rolleyes:

Did the conductor encourage the drunk to do it?

There was no big guy to stop the drunk on that occasion.
I have a good knowledge of the law (and everything else in the Universe). :mrgreen:
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