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If you stop defining "woman" as "adult human female" then the term loses its meaning.

And we'd have to invent a new word for an adult human female.

Which is silly.

It would have to exclude children, giraffes, lamp-posts, men and everything else that isn't one.
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I did not describe a test.

I asked a question

The answer to which is obvious to all but the most blinkered.
Your question associated the state of being a woman with a reproductive capability.
Your question was based on an outdated concept., and implies that women incapable of reproduction are not "real" women.
Reproductive capability is not an acceptable test for womanhood.
Your question associated the state of being a woman with a reproductive capability.
Your question was based on an outdated concept., and implies that women incapable of reproduction are not "real" women.
Reproductive capability is not an acceptable test for womanhood.


My question included human beings, and human reproduction. It did not mention anybody except the two people on the island. Your attempt to pretend I mentioned infertile people is dishonest.

Feel free to describe how you think natural conception occurs.
I mean this with the greatest of respect, but I worry about the future my children will grow up in -- this confusing destruction of biological fact, which is leaving so many youngsters' minds in states of identity crises.
You must think it's right that we impose "models of behaviour" on children, irresespective if those models are culturally unacceptable?

I recently heard a man talking with another man, where man A was asked to define a "woman". His answer was "an adult female", which prompted a tirade of thoughts and opinions in response from man B, as to why this is wrong. The topic of being a mother came up as well, in which man B said "men can be mothers, too".
You've intentionally used labels to make your point.
The question isn't about whether a man can be a mother. It's about whether a man can fufil the same roles as a mother.

I'm sorry but it's utter rubbish and offers absolutely no positive impact for the development of society and civilisation. Hopefully it's just a fad (these 'norm-challenging' fads happen throughout history).
To be rooted in outdated models of behaviour and not to question wy they are imposed has no positive benefit for the develpment of society.
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Born with a c0ck you’re a man. Born with a vag you’re a women.

People like Roy are what’s wrong with modern society.
If you stop defining "woman" as "adult human female" then the term loses its meaning.
And we'd have to invent a new word for an adult human female.
We can retain the definition. Just as an animal could be an elephant, or a horse, or a mouse.
They're all four legged animals, and a "woman" could incorporate other definitions, such as "someone who chooses to be a woman" or "somone who has attained a "Gender Recognition Certificate", etc.

Which is silly.
This is silly:
It would have to exclude children, giraffes, lamp-posts, men and everything else that isn't one.
My question included human beings, and human reproduction. It did not mention anybody except the two people on the island. Your attempt to pretend I mentioned infertile people is dishonest.
And if there were no births, it would suggest, by your question, that neither of them were women.
Born with a c0ck you’re a man. Born with a vag you’re a women.

People like Roy are what’s wrong with modern society.
If you've got any intelligent or even reasonable thoughts to offer, do feel free to contribute.
My question is.
Then it's a closed question with a pre-prejudiced answer.
Being a mother is merely allocating a label to a role in order to avoid describing the role. It would be perfectly accpetable, and more open to ask if the man could fulfil the role of a mother.
A well-quoted example of a closed and unfair question: Are you still beating your wife?
I'm sure I don't need to ex[plain how it's a closed and unfair question.
I hope your future questions will have a more open-minded approach.

If you want to make a statement about your views, then do so, but don't arrange questions that can only provied the answer that you require.
Your inability to understand simple logic would be astounding, if you were not deliberately being dishonest.
I'm pointing out how ill-thought out your question was.
Being a woman is not about reproductive capability. It's not about wearing make-up, nor wearing feminine clothing, nor a certain type of logic, nor a role than one fulfils.
So please don't try to categorise being a woman by one characteristic.
Being a mother is merely allocating a label to a role in order to avoid describing the role. It would be perfectly accpetable, and more open to ask if the man could fulfil the role of a mother.

It includes the essential activities of gestation and giving birth.

Child care is optional.

If you think a "man" can do that then you are in error.

The rest of us know, but

Which of the two people on the island do you think gave birth.
It would be perfectly accpetable, and more open to ask if the man could fulfil the role of a mother.
Breastfeeding would be tricky. If these ideas were around before the 1950s, the human race would have suddenly become extinct.
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