Two tier Keir barred from pub.

Yep, when Great British Energy comes along. Another win for the PM.
:LOL: :LOL: :unsure: Perhaps he would have been better crediting all the winter fuel payments direct to that and stopped them pensioners frittering it away on holidays etc
Can you tell us what paper we should be reading?
I was hoping you'd be able to choose for your self, which papers you find entertaining, and which are reasonably factual.
If you really need that guidance, come back, I'll see if I can help.
I was once ejected from a pub when I was 16. Went in with a friend and ordered two pints of green. The landlord picked up two glasses, then hesitated and asked 'whats a pint of green'?, we explained it was half a lager, half a cider and a creme de menthe. He said 'get out'.
That's the only time I can recall.

It was a year later in a different pub, bit of a disco type place, that we succeeded in ordering two pints of green. The reaction was interesting, we were immediately surrounded by girls asking what we were drinking, and could they have a sip. The aroma of creme de menth permeated the whole bar area and the 2 pints sitting on the bar were made florescent bright green by the downlighters over the bar.

My mates uncle had told us it was the 'in' drink in London, everybody in Chelsea was drinking it. We were too young and foolish to realise he was winding us up.

Never drunk it again after that, it was pretty disgusting.
I’m pretty sure everyone knows how clarkson works by now!!

I think pointing it out was overkill
There is one thing about the RWR that you should never do - underestimate their stupidity. There are several idiots from the chapter languishing in prison as we speak, simply because of a comment they read or heard.
Can you tell us what paper we should be reading?
Look at more than one source for an article corroboration, especially if it comes from The Wail. In fairness to some of their stories, they do sometimes include the facts, usually near the end of the article, long after either the dribble has obscured the text or the gammon rage means the rag is in the bin..
Look at more than one source for an article corroboration, especially if it comes from The Wail. In fairness to some of their stories, they do sometimes include the facts, usually near the end of the article, long after either the dribble has obscured the text or the gammon rage means the rag is in the bin..

Glad to see you're a Mail reader, closet RWR are you........... :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
Try reading 2 papers, 1 a bit more left than the express or mail, and form your own opinion
I haven't read a newspaper for years.

Tell a lie, I sometimes pick up the Metro when I’m getting on the train. Dunno whether that’s left, right or in the middle.