Two tier Keir barred from pub.

ok, if you want to be pedantic.

"news" sources, not just newspapers.

Try, a balance
Glad to see you're a Mail reader
I'm an avid reader, yes. I've seen some Wail dross posted on here and on on my PC start-up page, which is basically hundreds of random news articles. The right wing stuff is easy to spot, with its origins easily identifiable from the gammon-grabber.
Non-committal again I see. Whassamatter - don’t want that coming back and biting you on the bum then? Best swerve it. Oh, I see you did…
the Daily Express is a joke paper, its content is right wing propaganda and bears little connection to the reality

there are plenty of news sources that are factual including Sky, BBC, ITV, Channel 4 etc

if you want newspaper media then FT, Independent and Guardian are largely factual albeit biased

if you want right wing propaganda then GBnews, Daily Mail, Telegraph, Express, Guido Fawkes, Spectator and anything from Tufton street lobby groups

hope that helps Old Bean
There is one thing about the RWR that you should never do - underestimate their stupidity. There are several idiots from the chapter languishing in prison as we speak, simply because of a comment they read or heard.
I wouldn’t know about that.

I just know pointing out the obvious is a tad sad.