Tyre Nichols

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Is it just me, or does anyone else find it kind of odd, that 5x cops can be dismissed in such an early stage of the investigation?
Why were they dismissed so early on. Do you know?
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If a black person is lost in say Texas, they would not dare wander up a strangers drive seeking help. The risk of being shot is extremely high in some neighbourhoods. Nuttiest place on the planet.
I can't be ar5ed looking for the article, however I'm sure something along these lines happened a few years back. A black guy was driving home from a work conference or something, got lost, pulled up either beside or on the driveway of a house. Started walking up the drive (they assume to ask for directions.) Home owner came out with a shotgun and shot him. Dead. I could be wrong but I don't think they faced any prosecution because in the state where they live, there's some sort of law re if someone comes on to your property.

Welcome to America ...

(and if gun ownership became a wider thing here, I'm very confident the same thing would start to happen. To me, increased guns = increased paranoia.
If a black person is lost in say Texas, they would not dare wander up a strangers drive seeking help. The risk of being shot is extremely high in some neighbourhoods. Nuttiest place on the planet.


A white person doesn't even have to trespass. Just make the mistake of wandering into the hood and get shot by the nice people who live there. The risk of being shot is infinitely higher in non-white neighbourhoods in The USA. If you believe otherwise, you are delusional.

Why let facts get in the way of your prejudices, Nosey? :LOL:

The 5x cops already dismissed are all black. This doesn't mean that racial profiling wasn't involved.

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it kind of odd, that 5x cops can be dismissed in such an early stage of the investigation?
Not just you. It sounds odd, without further info.
Are they going after the one who pulled the trigger?
What did the other 4 do?
Sorry? Where have I besmirched or tried to contradict your point? You post merely supports what I said, dummy.

You inferred that black people are at high risk of being shot in white neighbourhoods - when in reality it's actually vice versa by a very big margin. In fact people of all colours are at much higher risk of violence in US non-white neighbourhoods. This situation isn't restricted to the States.

If you think The US is 'the nuttiest place on the planet', I suggest you have a change from sliding down a French mountain on a couple of planks and visit some more countries to broaden your mind. There are far 'nuttier' places out there. I'm guessing you've never even visited The States. Your insults to attempt to cover up for the paucity of facts in your assertions have been noted.

Have a nice day! :giggle:
You inferred that black people are at high risk of being shot in white neighbourhoods
True and correct.

The rest of your diatribe is your waffle and nowt to do with my statement. The fact that I have not commented upon it, does not diminish the veracity of my statement.

Yes I have visited the USA and Canada. Pacific coast - Canada. Eastern coast USA.
Imagine walking up someones' drive asking for directions, only to be shot to death, just because you are black. Welcome to red states America.
Welcome to red states America.

It's not the red ones you should be watching out for. Perhaps you should put your imaginings to the test and go for a nice 3 am stroll in the wrong 'hood. Somewhere in Detroit or Pittsburgh should do it. Put your theories to the test. You can engage with the inhabitants, try reasoning with them. You'll be filling your skinny jeans in no time. :ROFLMAO:
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