UK inflation 80% caused by brexit

Its funny how only Brexit voters have these magical supermarkets that don’t suffer reduced choices and increased prices.
YES! I'd like to know where this magical supermarket is, especially as our weekly shopping bill has gone up by more than £20 since the beginning of 2020 (and there are just the two of us). Even M&S prices have gone up. Or maybe the poor dear is having problems operating his calculator
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Not sure what ukranians have to do with brexit, but I guess it means you don't have to answer a very simple question...
The simple answer to what the benefits of Brexit are what I’ve said all along - it’s not going to be a quick fix and it will take time. If we are free of the gravy train of the EU, I don’t care if it takes ten years to settle down. You seem to have gone all quiet about it lately because you can’t blame our current situation (which is not a lot different from most countries in the world) on Brexit. It’s as if like Notch, JohnD and others, you seem disappointed that things aren’t worse!

Anyway, Mr Swervy McSwerve, talking of very simple questions, how far along are you with taking in some Ukrainian refugees? Go on, have a go at answering it. Let’s see those excuses roll in.
You ask your false questions all you like.

Yes My wife and I have experienced many stock outs since end of transition.

Its funny how only Brexit voters have these magical supermarkets that don’t suffer reduced choices and increased prices.
Tell me what you can’t get and I’ll take a picture of it in my magical Brexit supporting supermarket including the price this Friday when I go shopping. Then you can shut up. How’s that? Deal? Don’t disappear again!
Of course, none of that is to do with covid, the general world turndown in trade, worldwide inflation and the war in Ukraine is it? :rolleyes:
The problem is that some of us have lived outside of this country and still have friends abroad, so I for example have discussed these problems of shortages, reduced package sizes (but not reduced prices), increased overall prices, etc with people in Ireland (the south), the Netherlands and Belgium - all of whom had COVID restrictions, the war in Ukraine and the global downturn to cope with. The answer comes across loud and clear - THESE ARE BREXIT ISSUES PECULIAR AND PARTICULAR TO THE UK. They also ask me how I can continue to live in a country which is so xenophobic. I sometimes wonder. It's really that simple
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If we are free of the gravy train of the EU, I don’t care if it takes ten years to settle down.
It will take a lot longer than that - it will globally **** UK exporters forever. That seems to be what the OECD thinks. But then, what do they know in comparison to the brains trust that makes up the front bench of this government?
"As a result, the prices of everything from wheat to oil have soared, leading to multi-decade high inflation rates in places like Germany and Spain. The supply crunch in Europe is now so bad it’s causing governments to begin laying the groundwork for rationing, with some stores already limiting supplies".

YES! I'd like to know where this magical supermarket is, especially as our weekly shopping bill has gone up by more than £20 since the beginning of 2020 (and there are just the two of us). Even M&S prices have gone up. Or maybe the poor dear is having problems operating his calculator
I’m not saying things haven’t gone up. I’m saying they’ve not gone up because of Brexit. See the post above. Its not just the U.K. that is seeing it.
I’m not saying things haven’t gone up. I’m saying they’ve not gone up because of Brexit. See the post above. Its not just the U.K. that is seeing it.
The problem is that we are seeing it more. See my other post
As a casual observer to this thread and admittedly a (Swivelled eyed brexiter) what ever that is, the usual suspects do everything but answer Moittes very simple observations. May be the political leanings cloud their judgment and they see what they want rather that what is pointed out to them repeatedly.
What exactly was broken?

Brexit - utter pile of poo and getting worse.
Check out the link, if you can keep your eyes still.
As a casual observer to this thread and admittedly a (Swivelled eyed brexiter) what ever that is, the usual suspects do everything but answer Moittes very simple observations. May be the political leanings cloud their judgment and they see what they want rather that what is pointed out to them repeatedly.
As a casual observer to this thread and admittedly a (Swivelled eyed brexiter) what ever that is, the usual suspects do everything but answer Moittes very simple observations. May be the political leanings cloud their judgment and they see what they want rather that what is pointed out to them repeatedly.
What I'd like is a simple statement of which supermarket he goes to and why it is that all of the price increases/shortages are down to factors other than Brexit.
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