Ukraine counter offensive

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I think the vast majority who voted for Brexit are not Pro putin, just because 1 or 2 numbskulls on here post drivel, you cannot tar everyone with the same brush.
Most Putin supporters in the UK are Corbyn supporters

I think generally most British public support Ukraine Leavers and remainers
That is because the Ukranians have more resources to look after prisoners properly.
They are being supplied by Europe and America.
The Belsen concentration camp during WW2 is an example of what happens when supplies of food and medicine are reduced due to conflict.
Belsen was designed to house 16000 detainees, in the last months of the war there were around 60000 refugees from the east, because the Allies had bombed the railways, roads and bridges, the camp was reduced to using horse and carts to bring in supplies, the result was a Humanitarian disaster.
The Allies used the film footage of the aftermath to justify there own atrocities.

there are reports of the mis treatment of russian POWs by the UN ? afaik ?

its a cruel part of the world imo

as for British concentration camps in south Africa , they were not afaik death camps ? designed and built with the sole intention of killing people ?

thousands died there ( agreed)

The nazis took the concentration / extermination camp to a new level , industrialised killing on an epic scale

body disposal via gas fired crematorums ect

the use of body parts in there war effort, hair , gold teeth ect

atrocities occur in the feild / on the ground in all conflicts the difference between the UK / USA and putin is the UKs ? USA ? are not sanctioned from the very top it is not government policy

The Nazis (sanctioned) and Poo tin sanction on the ground attrocities tis there policy

no Russian soldier will be held to account by poo tin for his actions , were as in the UK ( troops) they will be forced to look into it ( no choice)
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So that means it’s ok for Russians to starve, torture, kill prisoners?
If you can't feed your prisoners and starve them to death you should be surrendering. Or we should be rolling out the lines about Japan from WW2.

After this war Russian will only be spoken in hell?
That is because the Ukranians have more resources to look after prisoners properly.
They are being supplied by Europe and America.
The Belsen concentration camp during WW2 is an example of what happens when supplies of food and medicine are reduced due to conflict.
Belsen was designed to house 16000 detainees, in the last months of the war there were around 60000 refugees from the east, because the Allies had bombed the railways, roads and bridges, the camp was reduced to using horse and carts to bring in supplies, the result was a Humanitarian disaster.
The Allies used the film footage of the aftermath to justify there own atrocities.
There are a lot of parallels between Russia and Nazi Germany.

However Russia is still exporting food in massive quantities. There's no excuse for systematically starving people. Im amazed you're defending it.
Details have emerged about the special operation co-ordinated by members of the SAS and Ukrainian Special Operations called the 'Brotherhood Battalion' - apparently the call went out for soldiers to serve who were physically fit, tough as nails and, above all, believed in God.

A unit of Ukrainian commandos travelled covertly across the Black Sea on jet skis in a daring raid on a Russian electronic warfare station in Crimea. A group of about 20 soldiers from the Brotherhood Battalion carried out the mission on Ukraine's Independence Day, August 24, The Times of London reported. Each jet ski carried two Ukrainian frogmen and travelled 125 miles across the sea to reach the peninsula.

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It was this operation that led to the successful strike on the Black Sea Fleet HQ recently, and although things didn't go according to plan, the audacious attack let Russia know it cannot relax vigilence for a moment.

Jet skis! Totally Badass.
His names Bondski, James Bondski.:cool:
If you can't feed your prisoners and starve them to death you should be surrendering. Or we should be rolling out the lines about Japan from WW2.

After this war Russian will only be spoken in hell?
Oh how very civilized, let's not use a weapon like starvation in a land of harsh winters let's listen to kumbar yaar songs till spring arrives.
That is because the Ukranians have more resources to look after prisoners properly.
They are being supplied by Europe and America.
The Belsen concentration camp during WW2 is an example of what happens when supplies of food and medicine are reduced due to conflict.
Belsen was designed to house 16000 detainees, in the last months of the war there were around 60000 refugees from the east, because the Allies had bombed the railways, roads and bridges, the camp was reduced to using horse and carts to bring in supplies, the result was a Humanitarian disaster.
The Allies used the film footage of the aftermath to justify there own atrocities.
I think it was a little deeper than that.
Most Putin supporters in the UK are Corbyn supporters

I think generally most British public support Ukraine Leavers and remainers
Not sure I agree with that..

Most of the supporters, or anti Western information in here are Boris and other right wing supporters. But not all
Details have emerged about the special operation co-ordinated by members of the SAS and Ukrainian Special Operations called the 'Brotherhood Battalion' - apparently the call went out for soldiers to serve who were physically fit, tough as nails and, above all, believed in God.

A unit of Ukrainian commandos travelled covertly across the Black Sea on jet skis in a daring raid on a Russian electronic warfare station in Crimea. A group of about 20 soldiers from the Brotherhood Battalion carried out the mission on Ukraine's Independence Day, August 24, The Times of London reported. Each jet ski carried two Ukrainian frogmen and travelled 125 miles across the sea to reach the peninsula.

read more@business

It was this operation that led to the successful strike on the Black Sea Fleet HQ recently, and although things didn't go according to plan, the audacious attack let Russia know it cannot relax vigilence for a moment.

Jet skis! Totally Badass.
His names Bondski, James Bondski.:cool:

Yes I saw that report
Millions ( well couple million) Russian POWs probably starved or froze to death in WW2 on the eastern front
Might be better if you did the same,all these commentators on here professing to know about the relationships between Russia and surrounding countries come across as a joke at times.
Especially when you know better eh
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