Ukraine counter offensive

Especially when you know better eh
Your memory escaping you, when you went through the question and answer interlude where you ask all the questions and I can't ask any, I confessed to not knowing enough to comment on the troubles in that part of the world.
What set me on that path was a polish fella who had stacks of books on the subject, on the travails of the history between the nations. I quickly realized we don't know the half of what's gone on and will go on in the coming years.
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Your memory escaping you, when you went through the question and answer interlude where you ask all the questions and I can't ask any, I confessed to not knowing enough to comment on the troubles in that part of the world.
What set me on that path was a polish fella who had stacks of books on the subject, on the travails of the history between the nations. I quickly realized we don't know the half of what's gone on and will go on in the coming years.
And you failed to accept the 1 known fact. Russia invaded a sovereign country.

Ever backed up any claim of yours? That's what I keep asking of you.
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Might be better if you did the same,all these commentators on here professing to know about the relationships between Russia and surrounding countries come across as a joke at times.
It’s quite simple: Russia invaded Ukraine
Gant doesn't want to admit that Russia invaded its neighbour.
What do you know of Russian history notchee, on the back of a postage stamp cover it?
It doesn’t matter what Russias history is, Ukraine has been an independent country since 1991 and Russia has no right to invade it.
This is the reason why there will never be a peace settlement:

Russian occupied parts of Ukraine are distopian with scenes not unlike North Korea or the Gulags of Siberia

This is the reason why there will never be a peace settlement:

Russian occupied parts of Ukraine are distopian with scenes not unlike North Korea or the Gulags of Siberia

Fairly typical behaviour for that part of the world tbh

The Russians will hold no one to account
Never have never will ?

The US army in Iraq ( Abel watsit ?)
We’re pretty bad with there abuse and torture of civilians ?? Electric shock torture
Water boarding
Use of vicious dogs

But some have been held to account for there actions / behaviour
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