Ukraine counter offensive

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Is there a prescribed amount of time to wait before one likes a comment?
There are some that take an instant dislike if you haven't posted a DIY related comment, but it's not a requirement.
There are many that take an instant dislike if you show any support for minority groups.
As I said, welcome to the p1ss pot of social media.
Broken by Vlad the invader and his friends...

"By January 2015, the Minsk Protocol ceasefire had completely collapsed.[23] Following the separatist victory at Donetsk International Airport in defiance of the Protocol, DPR spokesman Eduard Basurin said that "the Minsk Memorandum will not be considered in the form it was adopted".[24] Later in the day, DPR leader Alexander Zakharchenko said that the DPR "will not make any attempts at ceasefire talks any more", and that his forces were going to "attack right up to the borders of Donetsk region".[25] The New York Times said that the ceasefire had "all but vanished".[26]"
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The city pf Zap............ had another 12 missile hits last night. More reports that Ukraine advances are slowing.

One factor that hasn't really been mentioned is Russia wanting to extend the war at least through this coming winter. Their economic war with some of the west and other parts of the world. One USA observer touched on this aspect after a fashion. They can't use gas as a weapon in the following winter as that aspect will be sorted out .............................. He also mentioned that LNG costs had been helped by China not buying as much as they usually do - pass but sounds feasible,

Ursula EU touched on another area rather recently. Seems it will be discussed later this year. Rebuilding Ukraine. She reckons this will cost so much that "alternative" funding will have to be found. It will cost rather a lot.
So, if Russia invaded then the following were invasions under the same criteria.
Libya is classed as military intervention not invasion
Syria invasion by USA was classed as intervention
Kuwait was invaded by the USA after the invasion from Iraq. USA said they intervened to support the people of Kuwait
USA/NATO did actually invade Afghanistan after declaring war.
No illegal land grabs involved like Vlad the invader.
That is even more confusing.
So why is dork making multiple comments in a thread about cross dressing if he doesn't like that way of life.?
This is all getting a bit too Alan partridge
I suggest we ignore such comments in this thread, because they're off-topic. I know gant started it, but he's excused (don't ask why) ;)
Gant might have been trying to say, in his own little way, how much he likes your posts.;)
Invade: To enter by force in order to conquer or pillage.
USA coup to steal UK-rain wealth (IMF, Gas etc.)
2 regions (3 including crimea) wanted autonomous management away from nazis.
Nazis set about murdering 13-15,000 depending upon which official UN report you read.
Murders and killings of own people were seen by the world as repugnant and so a cesation of murder was demanded by the UN countries
Minsk agreement 1 & 2
After 8 years of murder, Russia went to their aid
So, if Russia invaded then the following were invasions under the same criteria.
Libya is classed as military intervention not invasion
Syria invasion by USA was classed as intervention
Kuwait was invaded by the USA after the invasion from Iraq. USA said they intervened to support the people of Kuwait
USA/NATO did actually invade Afghanistan after declaring war.

So for those with an IQ in triple digits, the differences are clear, the hypocracy is undeniable
For those with an IQ in double digits, well, its whatever they are told to think/believe
ps IRA must now be recognised as a force for good and the British Army an invading force.
That is a load of word salad. Lets look at at a few points

USA coup to steal the wealth. Evidence please
2 regions or 3 wanted away from nazis. evidence please
Nazis set about murdering. evidence please
Murders and killing of own people. evidence please

The rest of it is just swerving away, so not going there for now

You have been exposed for fake news already, so lets not compound it. Prove it
Just came across some very helpful advice for those who may this winter be faced with the dilemma of whether to heat or eat, they are advised to buy a candle so that if it gets cold they can huddle around the candle, and if it gets really cold they can light it.
Where do you want to start?.
Maybe Napoleon or the British and Americans or the Nazis under Hitler.
So that's Vlad the invader's excuse for illegally invading a neighbour? Nothing but a tinpot dictator...
So that's Vlad the invader's excuse for illegally invading a neighbour? Nothing but a tinpot dictator...
Ukraine is Russia's Cuba.
The USA was prepared to inflict nuclear war on the rest of the world to prevent the Russians from placing their missiles on America's doorstep.
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