Ukraine counter offensive

Talks between Russia & Ukraine are pointless.

Any talking needs to be between Russia & the good ole' USofA.
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so far old Russian have: devalued your pension fund, increased your mortgage rates, massively hiked your energy costs, given you food shortages, devalued your national currency, dragging you into hyperinflation, creating perfect conditions for stagflation
funny ain't it...
but you boys luv it

cause ya ganstas init
Ah well, at least we have indoor toilets and washing machines unlike the third world russia, anyway off to watch the Champions League, hope the russian teams get beat, doh i forgot, none in it.
I've seen countless of these type of things and that's about as bad as it gets. Whoever wrote that deserves some kind of award. You really should try to do some basic research on how the money system actually works in your own country before copying and pasting some article which clearly doesn't understand the thing it's trying to debunk.

1. Pure ******. MMT has no 'model of inflation'. Nor does anyone else. As Tarullo said:
. “The substantive point is that we do not, at present, have a theory of inflation dynamics that works sufficiently well to be of use for the business of real-time monetary policymaking,” said Mr Tarullo in a speech at the Brookings think-tank in Washington.

2. Nope. Tell me you don't understand how fiat economies work. 'Printing money' is always a dead giveaway. Like 'Zimbabwe!, Weimar!' etc.
3. Nope. MMT doesn't use taxation to combat inflation, it uses spend side auto-stabilisers, primarily the Job Guarantee.
4. Nope. See 3.
5. 'Unsustainable debt' - there's no such thing for a currency issuing govt with it's own fiat, floating currency. Greece? JFC, what a complete divot the author must be to not grasp the difference between monetary sovereign and non-monetary sovereign countries.

Back to school for him and back to school for you.
it is correct

it is you who is wrong
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so far old Russian have: devalued your pension fund, increased your mortgage rates, massively hiked your energy costs, given you food shortages, devalued your national currency, dragging you into hyperinflation, creating perfect conditions for stagflation
funny ain't it...
but you boys luv it

cause ya ganstas init
Putin troll
You think they don't?
40 million don't, got plenty on the superyachts though.
Well, if you insist on continuing ...

For each of the points in the risible copy and paste job, point to somewhere in the MMT 'canon' which you assert is making the point the author is trying to debunk.

I'll wait.
are you still trying to prove rubbish rolls up hill ?

it doesnt, stop pushing it.

I don't think there is a single person here, from educated to not, left to right, rich or poor that believes a word of what you think you've said
Soldiers. If a Ukrainian one is lucky they get a week or so in the UK aimed at making them behave like soldiers abd aome weapon use training. Numbers are not that high.

Russia ??????????? Time will tell.
Some of the first mobilised troops have been killed. Apparently they got a single day of training.
If you are a dictator with absolute power ( Putin) there is this delusion that you can go on and on

Putin the ageing Old Duffer is on borrowed time

All going well he will be got rid of in a violent fashion

Stood up against the nearest wall ?

Like that Romanian dictator fruit cake and his mad missis
Which country in modern history is the biggest criminals for its monstrous genocides by using the atom/hydrogen bombs against the sleeping innocent civilians in the middle of the night?

Which country in modern history has illegally broken international laws and international Treaties to invade other countries to steal their natural resources?

Which country in modern history used napalms, chemical weapons (Agent Orange etc)?

Which country has mover 1000 military bases around the globe without any threats from a single country surrounded by us only a promise to our Corporate killers to assure them for their needed natural resources?

Which country has recently used nuclear devices to kill the masses by using so called "depleted uranium" weapons?

Which country in modern history made it legal to use torture chambers and in the process killed 1000s of innocent prisoners on the grounds of their religion, colour and race?

Can’t handle the truth? Well how about a nice one-week holiday "not too close to the front lines"" in Ukraine, Gaza, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela, or any other holiday paradises they have created.

Shame on you warmongers all!
You are a disgrace on humanity and planet Earth!!
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