Ukraine counter offensive

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But apart from the troll reciting US activity for the last 80 years, how about more Ukraine news?

There's more and more footage of recently mobilised troops that have been captured. The ones seen all seem to have negligible training time and old kit. It's possible the Russians are going to train some properly but they'll obviously be a few weeks/months away from being deployable.
In the 1970s, the Pentagon reported that the Soviet military had developed armor plating for Warsaw Pact tanks that NATO ammunition could not penetrate.[citation needed] The Pentagon began searching for material to make denser armor-piercing projectiles. After testing various metals, ordnance researchers settled on depleted uranium.[citation needed]

The US and NATO militaries used DU penetrator rounds in the 1991 Gulf War, the Bosnia war,[19] bombing of Serbia, the 2003 invasion of Iraq,[20] and 2015 airstrikes on ISIS in Syria.[21] It is estimated that between 315 and 350 tons of DU were used in the 1991 Gulf War

There is concern about health effects.
In the 1970s, the Pentagon reported that the Soviet military had developed armor plating for Warsaw Pact tanks that NATO ammunition could not penetrate.[citation needed] The Pentagon began searching for material to make denser armor-piercing projectiles. After testing various metals, ordnance researchers settled on depleted uranium.[citation needed]

The US and NATO militaries used DU penetrator rounds in the 1991 Gulf War, the Bosnia war,[19] bombing of Serbia, the 2003 invasion of Iraq,[20] and 2015 airstrikes on ISIS in Syria.[21] It is estimated that between 315 and 350 tons of DU were used in the 1991 Gulf War

There is concern about health effects.
And the UK, but we aren't sending our 120mm amunition to Ukraine. Russia is and also uses DU.
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Which country in modern history is the biggest criminals for its monstrous genocides by using the atom/hydrogen bombs against the sleeping innocent civilians in the middle of the night?

Which country in modern history has illegally broken international laws and international Treaties to invade other countries to steal their natural resources?

Which country in modern history used napalms, chemical weapons (Agent Orange etc)?

Which country has mover 1000 military bases around the globe without any threats from a single country surrounded by us only a promise to our Corporate killers to assure them for their needed natural resources?

Which country has recently used nuclear devices to kill the masses by using so called "depleted uranium" weapons?

Which country in modern history made it legal to use torture chambers and in the process killed 1000s of innocent prisoners on the grounds of their religion, colour and race?

Can’t handle the truth? Well how about a nice one-week holiday "not too close to the front lines"" in Ukraine, Gaza, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela, or any other holiday paradises they have created.

Shame on you warmongers all!
You are a disgrace on humanity and planet Earth!!

Your the disgrace to humanity

Your the war monger as you excuse and appease that corrupt murdering grubby little dictater Putin

Go to Russia ( assuming yer not already there ) j
Russia has said Turkey could direct gas through a hub in its country, but considering inflation is nearly %200 and its currency is an international punchline, i wonder where funding for this project will come. China?
Armenia and Azerbaijan are sworn enemies and will continue to struggle over possession of the Nagorno-Karabakh region for as long as the Turks supply Azerbaijan with weapons and drones...Turkey may be a member of NATO but it's playing all sides in this game.
Across the border in Russia, some 12,700 people have been arbitrarily arrested for holding peaceful anti-war protests, and new criminal code amendments introduce heavy fines and prison terms of up to 15 years for disseminating information deemed fake by the authorities or discrediting the Russian armed forces. We are concerned by this, and other overly broad and repressive laws that restrict freedom of expression, including media freedom, and hinder the free enjoyment of other civil and political rights.
During anti Vietnam protests in America, people where actually shot dead.
Kent state is one example.
The US didn't invade Cuba...
That was because sane minds and grown ups were in control.
The cause of the confrontation was resolved when both sides agreed to compromise.
The Yanks withdrew their missiles from Russia's borders and the Russians agreed to not place their missiles in Cuba.
A win win for the world.
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