US and Israel seek to expel Palestinians from Palestine...


Neither of you is capable of explaining simple ideas in plain English.

I often try my best to be polite and help you out.

But in the end you have both shown a very nasty streak only matched by your stupidity.
Right. OK.

Neither of you is capable of explaining simple ideas in plain English.

I often try my best to be polite and help you out.

But in the end you have both shown a very nasty streak only matched by your stupidity.
thanks all the same. Once you drop onto name calling I have little time for you after that. I tried.
I'm not bullying you but I am losing my patience. We have already explained the link between Judaism and Christianity in many posts upthread but you are on one with saying it is right wing to use the terms together. OK, you think Judaism and Christianity are right wing politics.

I have tried to explain it to you nicely with no insults, but hey ho

You don't need to explain the link to me between Judaism and Christianity. I have known this for decades. I am sure I know it better than you. It is such a basic point I can't believe it even needs discussion.

My whole point has been about why some people, mainly on the right, like Nigel Farage and Katie Hopkins, are starting to use the term "Judeo Christian" to describe Britain, when until recently we have always been described as a "Christian" country.

I wonder where they will go ... hmmm ... many speak English. Hmmm. Tricky one.
Thank you America.
You don't need to explain the link to me between Judaism and Christianity. I have known this for decades. I am sure I know it better than you. It is such a basic point I can't believe it even needs discussion.

My whole point has been about why some people, mainly on the right, like Nigel Farage and Katie Hopkins, are starting to use the term "Judeo Christian" to describe Britain, when until recently we have always been described as a "Christian" country.
And? So what if they do?

I think they used to hide the link between Judaism and Christianity because I was brought up with no understanding that Jesus was infact a Jew or that Christianity sprung from Judaism.
So, after three pages of insults, you have finally worked out what I was actually asking :eek:

Who's autistic now?
Your beef is it being right wing to use the words Judeo and Christian together. This was established posts ago. What do you want me to say about your problem with it?
Your beef is it being right wing to use the words Judeo and Christian together. This was established posts ago. What do you want me to say about your problem with it?

I was simply trying to set up an interesting discussion. But clearly it went over your heads because you and @Highway Man both kept thinking I was asking for yet another explanation of the common roots of both religions. Something I learnt before the age of ten. What I have been interested in all along since I first asked the question, is why the right wing have started using this expression. Here is a quote from that article I posted:

Yet today it is most often used to draw a line between imagined Christian values and a perceived threat of Muslim immigration.

Several prominent Jewish commentators have pointed out that the term elides the fact that Jews have often experienced persecution in Christian-majority European countries. After Donald Trump used the term in 2017, Rabbi Jill Jacobs wrote on Twitter that “much of ‘Judeo-Christian’ tradition involves centuries of Christians trying to kill us,” adding, “if you mean ‘not Muslim’ say it.”

That Saladin was a rum bugger.

The siege of Jacob's Ford was a victory of the Muslim Sultan Saladin over the Christian King of Jerusalem, Baldwin IV. It occurred in August 1179, when Saladin conquered and destroyed Chastelet, a new border castle built by the Knights Templar at Jacob's Ford on the upper Jordan River, a historic passage point between the Golan Heights and north Galilee. Jacob's Ford is also known by the Latin name of Vadum Iacob and in modern Hebrew as Ateret. Many scholars believe that Saladin's reconquest of the Holy Land and Jerusalem in 1187 was heralded by this earlier victory.
For goodness sake, why didn't you just make your point at the beginning and save all three of us from your merry go round. If you stopped playing silly games of feigning ignorance instead of just coming out with what you really want to say, all this would have been avoided.

I did right at the start, but it seemed to go over your heads. So then I tried to lay the groundwork by getting you both up to speed so that we could have a proper discussion. I don't think I was feigning ignorance at any point. I was simply finding out what you knew and where you were coming from with a view to taking the main discussion forward.
I've had it before but I did receive an apology.

That was very different, though. I had made some slightly off colour jokes as a way of illustrating a point, but I realised they had actually upset you. And I was man enough to apologise.
I did right at the start, but it seemed to go over your heads. So then I tried to lay the groundwork by getting you both to speed so we could have a proper discussion. I don't think I was feigning ignorance at any point. I was simply finding out what you knew and where you were coming from with a view to taking the main discussion forward.

OK. I came to understand the relation between Jesus, a jew, Judaism and Christianity through my own self seeking of knowledge. I was never taught it at school or in church as a child. I think myself and HighwayMan don't have an issue with the connection or expression but you do have an issue with it. So really, perhaps you better say what your issue is. Is it because Trump used the term? Because you are frightened of this term? What is the root of your fear?
OK. I came to understand the relation between Jesus, a jew, Judaism and Christianity through my own self seeking of knowledge. I was never taught it at school or in church as a child. I think myself and HighwayMan don't have an issue with the connection or expression but you do have an issue with it. So really, perhaps you better say what your issue is. Is it because Trump used the term? Because you are frightened of this term? What is the root of your fear?

I have no fear. You are being silly again :)

That is an interesting turn of phrase. In the past, I have always heard the UK described as a "Christian" country.

But I do have a keen interest in language and how it develops. To me it is still a very unusual phrase in our country. And originally I was simply asking why you used it. But then I moved on to the bigger issue of why some right wingers have recently starting calling Britain a "Judeo Christian" country. And I have found out that it is really an anti Muslim expression. Whether you realised or not!