From the ONS...
"In an emergency period of the COVID-19 pandemic there is a relaxation of previous legislation concerning completion of the medical certificate cause of death (MCCD) by medical practitioners"
From the BMA...
"From 24 March 2020, and as an interim measure, the percentage of MCCDs selected for review by DCRS was reduced from the normal 14% to 4% (3.5% for level 1 reviews and 0.5% for level 2 reviews).
However, now that UK Coronavirus Bill has received Royal Assent there is provision in the legislation for the suspension of the selection and referral of MCCDs to DCRS for review altogether."
"COVID-19 is an acceptable direct or underlying cause of death for the purposes of completing the MCCD, even without the results of a positive test"
Now why should that be the case?