VAT on education?

If people are encouraged to privately educate their kids reducing the burden on the tax payer. It’s good.
Nope, it perpetuates elitism...

That's bad because it means that the country is losing out on a lot of very bright poor kids!

Take Finland for example, their state system is so good that less than 2% go to private school. However these schools may have private suppliers but can't charge tuition fees, and are still state funded...

"Individual support measures are in place to guarantee that every pupil and student can reach their full potential. Differences between schools are small and the quality of teaching is high all around the country. The education system does not have any dead-ends which would affect an individual’s learning career"

But then education is a business in the UK, including the array of academies set up to make money for a few people and which often provides sub-standard education due to the practices they are allowed to follow!
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Nope, it perpetuates elitism...

That's bad because it means that the country is losing out on a lot of very bright poor kids!

Take Finland for example, their state system is so good that less than 2% go to private school. However these schools may have private suppliers but can't charge tuition fees, and are still state funded...

"Individual support measures are in place to guarantee that every pupil and student can reach their full potential. Differences between schools are small and the quality of teaching is high all around the country. The education system does not have any dead-ends which would affect an individual’s learning career"

But then education is a business in the UK, including the array of academies set up to make money for a few people and which often provides sub-standard education due to the practices they are allowed to follow!
Take Finland. Population 5.5M, end of comparison.
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If rich folk are made to pay their fair share of (VAT) tax, it's good. In fact it's a great idea.
You don't think rich folk have already paid their fees upfront to avoid the VAT?
You don't think savvy schools have reduced the cost of the VAT eligible services via discounts to those parents who subscribe to the VAT exempt services?
And we can't possibly aim for those standards. Apart from the elite.

So in the meantime. Make them pay their way
How have they not paid their way?
Its not like its currently a tax deductible expense.
If they're targeting international students then state education numbers don't count and the buyers are less price sensitive anyway.
He's assuming international private school pupils will not need to pay vat. Without numbers it's a pointless comment.

It could also be confused with international uni etc students. Uni's have been targetting these as they pay ~4x the amount ours do, Why would a private school target them? I'd assume the fees would be the same for all. They would take anyone from anywhere to fill their capacity.

The other point is some private schools are residential, fees a lot higher than ones that are not. These are a hang over from the British Raj days. It's why they are charities. There is another group of fee payers. Lets call them grammar schools. 2 roots in. Pass and exam or pay. That can also apply to others. A famed local grammar school charges £6,108 per term.

Some people have dual citizenships - what about those? Can they select the one that means no vat?
He's also upsetting ex tory voters who believed he would be different.
That would depend on the reason for them being ex-Tory voters. :rolleyes:
I'm guessing that most of the ex-Tory voters were sick of the lies and flannel, and maybe the inherent racism in their policies.
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