VAT on education?

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From Mottie and Gassy.

Accuse of fiscal recklessness. But,
accuse of taking WFP from those who can't afford to lose it. Then,
complain that they're taking from those who can afford it.

Labour living rent - free in your heads (y)
It’s not just 'posh' schools that will be affected. If there weren’t any private education establishments and if there weren't any private hospitals, those people would have to use state run establishments - funded by you and I and anyone else who pays tax. Talk about cut your nose off to spite your face. I’m quite happy that those that can afford to pay are not in front of me in the state funded queues.
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It’s not just 'posh' schools that will be affected. If there weren’t any private education establishments and if there weren't any private hospitals, those people would have to use state run establishments - funded by you and I and anyone else who pays tax. Talk about cut your nose off to spite your face.
private school is a luxury and should not therefore avoid VAT
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As stated in their constitution? Any profits ploughed back in to the charity? Same as any other charity.

And as ellal stated, he got into one on a scholarship, not sure if there are a minimum number of scholarships required to be awarded charity status.
From Mottie

Accuse of fiscal recklessness. But,
accuse of taking WFP from those who can't afford to lose it.
No, didn’t.

Actually, I’ve never had it and even though I will lose out, I agree with it! If I take my mother, my mother in law and almost everyone that I know that are of state pension age - none of those people actually 'need' it! It should go to those that really do need it so it's only fair for it go to those that are on pension credit. Obviously some on pension credit are on it because they haven't put any away or paid into a pension to provide for themselves in old age but you sometimes have to let that go.
Now it’s at a reduced rate but why should poor old Mrs Goggins from the post office have to pay the same rate to keep warm and survive as Mick and Elton pay to heat their swimming pools?,
Yep scrap the standing charges and establish a lower basic tariff to cover the minimum needed to keep a household running.

Then additional power can be charged at a higher rate to make the difference up. Help the pensioners and penalise the pool owners.
Yep scrap the standing charges and establish a lower basic tariff to cover the minimum needed to keep a household running.

Then additional power can be charged at a higher rate to make the difference up. Help the pensioners and penalise the pool owners.

This is what I'd propose, as a starting point.

Of course, that still wouldn't please the "my 90-yr old mom is on her own, and can't heat her five - bed house on that pittance" - replies.
This is what I'd propose, as a starting point.

Of course, that still wouldn't please the "my 90-yr old mom is on her own, and can't heat her five - bed house on that pittance" - replies.
Agreed, and no system is perfect, but it's a more fair approach.
Labour announced plans at the weekend to ban trail hunting.

It's about one thing and one thing only.

Tipping the toffs off their ponies.
So you were educated in a private school that wasn’t subject to vat but think private education should now be taxable?

And should always have been - the 'charity' badge is just a con for their business model !

And that took you 5 years to work out - were you particularly thick? Did you leave before you took any exams or did you take and fail them?
Well I guess at 11 years old such things aren't at the foremost of your mind...

At 16 you can understand more and go along with the system that is prepared for you or do your own thing...

10 A's, 1 B, 1C at 'O' level btw...
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