VAT on education?

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For hip replacement no, for lip replacement yes afaik
So medical treatment for health reasons is not taxed, but medical intervention for beauty requirements are taxed.
That sounds about right.

There are some anomalies:
Sun screen cream has VAT added. It's classed as a cosmetic cream. :rolleyes:
So medical treatment for health reasons is not taxed, but medical intervention for beauty requirements are taxed.
That sounds about right.

There are some anomalies:
Sun screen cream has VAT added. It's classed as a cosmetic cream. :rolleyes:
I think IPT may be due on private healthcare.
I think IPT may be due on private healthcare.
IPT is paid on the premiums, not on the compensation paid due to the insurance.
So IPT is paid whether you receive anything back from the insurance or not.

How is IPT calculated?​

The Government sets IPT which is calculated as a percentage of your premium, meaning the higher your premium cost, the greater the tax.
For example:
If your annual premium is £300, with 12% IPT, it will be £336. Or at the higher rate of 20%, it will be £360.
If your annual premium is £600, with the 12% IPT, this will be £672. At 20%, it will be £720.

And Health insurance is exempt:

Are there any exemptions?​

Some types of insurance are exempt from IPT, for instance, life insurance, permanent health insurance, commercial aircraft and ship insurance, and risks located outside the UK. Visit HMRC for a comprehensive list.

And we're discussing VAT.
IPT is paid on the premiums, not on the compensation paid due to the insurance.
So IPT is paid whether you receive anything back from the insurance or not.

And Health insurance is exempt:

And we're discussing VAT.
Is healthcare cover subject to Insurance Premium Tax (IPT)?

Yes it is. Healthcare cover is subject to IPT at the current rate

Medical treatment isn’t a luxury either
I'm not comparing other things. But all luxuries, not essentials should be taxed.

Why shouldn't they?

Nobody has to have private schooling. But if they want it and can afford it, pay vat on it.

It's not rocket science. Nobody is saying it shouldn't exist.
So you have no point.
The point being labor fuc*ed up state education, and now have a chance to improve things but choose to penalise those who pay for private education instead, because it sells better.
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