VAT on education?

The definition was composed in the days when education of the poor was often a charitable act, before state education was universally available.
And continues as part of the definition today. Why not just ban private education?
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I'm not comparing other things. But all luxuries, not essentials should be taxed.

Why shouldn't they?

Nobody has to have private schooling. But if they want it and can afford it, pay vat on it.

It's not rocket science. Nobody is saying it shouldn't exist.
There is definitely a view that private education shouldn't exist, driven a political philosophy that says you achieve social mobility by putting everyone in the same school. That started with comprehensives and when it didn't work universities were blamed for not accepting enough state school pupils, when it was as much to do with poor teaching. If we had a successful state school system there might be a case for VAT, but we don't.
Nobody, apart from you, is suggesting banning private education.

Just tax it, it's that simple. It's a luxury after all. Nothing wrong with luxuries if you can afford them and want them. But pay the correct price.
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There is definitely a view that private education shouldn't exist, driven a political philosophy that says you achieve social mobility by putting everyone in the same school.

That is two separate arguments. They are not the same thing.

Have you been looking af Finland? It is not banned there.

But making a profit out of it is.

Surprisingly, very few people want to run a private school without making money out of it.

Who could have seen that coming?